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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 Empty 1940 LaSalle Cadillac Westergard kustom

Message  Predicta Jeu 12 Déc - 22:43

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 _5750

1940 LaSalle full custom   It has drive line out of a 1964 cadillac with a 429ci engine and a rebuilt TH350 trans.  Engine runs strong, very fast.  There is a vibration when the car is turning to the right.  The car was chopped 6 inches, with a 1946 ford rear window used for the rear. Headlights are 1937 ford, the running boards were molded in.  hood grills were welded up for a stream line look.  A full interior was put in to mimic a 40s style mohair look.  The dash was chromed plated.  I have spent a lot of money on this car and no longer have the time to finish.  It needs a little to finish, like door glass and regulators installed, Engine compartment cleaned up.  The metal work undernieth is amazing.

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 Ftdft10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 Fuft10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 Uyfuyf10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 Yuu10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Wremss Ven 13 Déc - 8:16

Wo_Ow !!  Shocked Shocked :suicide: 

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2012
Age : 50

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Predicta Mar 27 Juin - 20:50

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 35572110

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 35589011

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 35589012

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 35589013

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 35610510

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 35637710

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Predicta Mar 27 Juin - 20:55

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 35640710

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 35642610

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 35643010

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 35640610

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom - Page 2 Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

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