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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

custom 56
9 participants

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Wremss Ven 25 Jan - 19:09

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 528904_460304517357409_1548631073_n


Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 734726_453546144699652_1534999291_n

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 8412489867_9aae3992d6_b

:jumpy:  :jumpy:  :jumpy:  :jumpy:  :respect:  :respect:  :respect:  :dribble:  :dribble:  :dribble:

Dernière édition par Wremss le Ven 25 Jan - 19:18, édité 1 fois

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2012
Age : 50

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  custom 56 Ven 25 Jan - 19:13

:jumpy: :jumpy: :suicide:
custom 56
custom 56

Messages : 2631
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2012
Age : 28
Localisation : 77 seine et marne

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Predicta Ven 25 Jan - 19:22

Moi aussi je l'ai trouvé sublissime cette caisseCadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 2207683350Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 2207683350Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 2207683350Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 2207683350Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 2207683350Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 2207683350

1940 Cadillac Series 62 Coupe currently being restyled by Oz Kustoms for John D'Agostino. Given the name "Sophia", the build was initially based on sketches made by Oz Welch.The car is planned to make its debut at the 2012 Grand National Roadster Show.

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom John-d10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom John-d11

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom John-d12

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom John-d13

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom John-d14

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Janne-10

A concept illustration of "Sophia" by Janne Kutja. Janne's illustration incorporates John and Oz's initiall design. Main features includes a chopped and hardtopped Matranga style roof and side windows, restyled runningboards, molded fenders, flush mounted fenderskirts and dropped headlights. The coupe has been shaved for handles, ornamentation and turn signals, and it has been dressed up with custom made sidetrim, Appleton spotlights and 1953 Cadillac hubcaps. The front bumper ends have been altered slightly and the centerpieces between the bumper guards have been removed. The paintjob is a light green fadeaway.

article original:'Agostino's_1940_Cadillac

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Predicta Ven 15 Fév - 7:09

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 2013-g10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 2013-g11

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Jul Ven 15 Fév - 7:21

c'te couleur de bonbon et cette ligne de fou furieux ça me rend tout chose ! :love: :love: :love:

........ __________
,,,,, /_(@)__//___/__(@)_/

Messages : 543
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012
Age : 40
Localisation : Doubs, Franche-comté

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Z Ven 15 Fév - 8:51

Pareil drunken Elle est acidulée à souhait cette caisse :love:

Messages : 1323
Date d'inscription : 23/11/2012
Age : 57
Localisation : El Rio Tordo

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  ChevyDave Ven 15 Fév - 11:56

On touche au "sublime", là ... drunken :respect:

Messages : 3899
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Jul Ven 15 Fév - 17:19

d'ailleurs cette teinte j'ai beau l'adorer, je n'oserai jamais l'appliquer sur ma caisse,
même si une 50's ça se marie bien avec des teintes acidulées,
j'aurais peur de regretter à force :bah:
je sais pas si je me déciderai un jour Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 3703615644
tant qu'elle rouille pas je m'en fous en fait Laughing

........ __________
,,,,, /_(@)__//___/__(@)_/

Messages : 543
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012
Age : 40
Localisation : Doubs, Franche-comté

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Predicta Ven 15 Fév - 17:36

C'est jamais évident la teinte d'une caisse, c'est vrais que la tienne est belle sans peinture

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Charvelman Mer 17 Avr - 22:18

il n'a pas changé toujours aussi fou!!!!!!!!!!!!! un exemplaire sublissime!!!!!!!

Messages : 825
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2013

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  mistermerc Jeu 18 Avr - 16:10

incroyable, quel talent :love:


Messages : 540
Date d'inscription : 10/11/2012
Age : 58
Localisation : st sorlin en valloire

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Predicta Lun 28 Oct - 19:54

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Cadill10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Charvelman Lun 28 Oct - 20:13


Messages : 825
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2013

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Predicta Mar 12 Nov - 21:06

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 98872810

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 10100210

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 10131410

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom 13751510

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Charvelman Mar 12 Nov - 22:05

je meurs :suicide: 

Messages : 825
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2013

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty 1940 Cadillac LaSalle Kustom

Message  Predicta Ven 22 Nov - 10:17

The story of this 1940 Cadillac LaSalle is fully documented in the January 2014 Rod & Custom Magazine (cover car). Built with the help of Hall of Famers Frank DeRosa and Frank DeRosa Jr. this pure Kustom has a 4" chop, '49 Merc Dash, '65 Thunderbird Interior, Hand-Crafted Steel Center console, Rear Fenders Widened 2", Molded Grill and Rear Skirts, Welded All Body Panels and too many more kustom mods to mention.
Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _311
•Pin Stripping by Hall of Famer Rod Powell.
•Suspension by Sean Comer of Comersons Top Shop in Campbell, CA.
•House of Kolor Candy Brandywine by Ryan at Nor-Cal Autoworks in Campbell, CA
Winner of numerous awards:
Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _3fu10
•WCK 2011 Top 2 Under-Construction
•WCK 2012 Top 2 Under-Construction
•WCK 2013 Top 3 Early Kustom
•2013 Competed for 'Worlds Most Beautiful Kustom' at the Sacramento Autorama
•Many 'Best of Shows'
Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _3gcgh10
Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _3xdrs10
Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _5718
Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _3fxxx10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Predicta Ven 22 Nov - 10:20

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57cdt10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57cdt11

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57crf10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57dft10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57fdt11

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57fuf10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Predicta Ven 22 Nov - 10:23

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57fxg10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57gcg10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57gcg11

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57gfh10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57hgd10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57tcd10

Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom _57tfu10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Charvelman Ven 22 Nov - 10:52

extraordianire! j'en ai commandé 2 pour Noël!

Messages : 825
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2013

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  BlackSheep Ven 22 Nov - 22:13

Cette peinture est un rêve Shocked :jumpy: 

Messages : 500
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2012
Age : 30
Localisation : Nice

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  custom 56 Sam 23 Nov - 7:28

rouge candy Wink 
custom 56
custom 56

Messages : 2631
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2012
Age : 28
Localisation : 77 seine et marne

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  mistermerc Sam 23 Nov - 11:25

sublissime :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: 


Messages : 540
Date d'inscription : 10/11/2012
Age : 58
Localisation : st sorlin en valloire

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  BlackSheep Sam 23 Nov - 16:04

Je sais Cyril XD Tu vois c'est à peu près à ça que je pense quand je parle d'éventuelle future peinture pour la mémère Razz

Messages : 500
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2012
Age : 30
Localisation : Nice

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  custom 56 Sam 23 Nov - 17:29

je sais que tu sais lol! lol! 

apres le plus dur reste a savoir la base utiliser y'a tellement de base pour un candy que c'est dur de définir parfois

c'est bien ce que je voyait alors Wink

mais a mon gout si un tu la fait comme sa il faut quelle soit poser par terre obliger :oui: 
custom 56
custom 56

Messages : 2631
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2012
Age : 28
Localisation : 77 seine et marne

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  BlackSheep Sam 23 Nov - 18:22

Toute façon elle sera posée bien avant une peinture xD Elle va rester noire longtemps crois moi Razz

Messages : 500
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2012
Age : 30
Localisation : Nice

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Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom Empty Re: Cadillac 1938 - 1940 custom and mild custom

Message  Contenu sponsorisé

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