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Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003

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Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 Empty Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003

Message  Predicta Sam 19 Déc - 20:50

The Hope Residence is a house at 2466 Southridge Drive in Palm Springs, California. It is 23,600 sq ft (2,190 m2) in size.[1] The house was built for the American entertainers Bob and Dolores Hope and completed in 1979. The house is noted for its large undulating triangular roof, with a large central light shaft
Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 13200910

The Hopes hired architect John Lautner for the project due to their admiration for his Elrod House nearby on Southridge Drive. When Bob Hope saw Lautner's model for the house in 1969 he quipped that "Well, at least when they come down from Mars they'll know where to go".[4]

Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 13203710

The house was destroyed by a fire from a welder's torch in its initial phase of construction in 1973, the cost of the fire was estimated at $500,000. Construction began four year later after legal issues regarding insurance and financial responsibility for the fire were settled.[2]

Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 13200911

Arthur Elrod, the chief interior designer for the house, died during the first phase of construction.[4] When work began again in 1977 the original building plans as filed with the council were still valid. Dolores Hope became increasingly involved in the design of the house following its rebuild which caused Lautner to distance himself from the project.[2] The Hopes hired a "Beverley Hills society decorator" to design the décor of the house which dismayed Lautner who had originally envisaged a modernist interior that made use of the natural light in the house's desert location. Dolores Hope had been inspired by Sunnylands, the nearby house of Walter and Leonore Annenberg, with its pink roof.[3]

In February 2013, following Dolores’ death that year and that of Bob Hope in 2003, the property was put on the market for $50 million;[5] the price was dropped to $25 million in 2014 and finally sold for $13 million in 2016 to Ron Burkle.[6] Burkle owned the nearby Elrod House, also designed by Lautner, from 1995 to 2003.[2]

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 Empty Re: Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003

Message  Predicta Sam 19 Déc - 20:51

Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 13209110

Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 Bob-ho10

Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 1d274910

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 Empty Re: Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003

Message  Predicta Sam 19 Déc - 20:52

Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 Wk_54b10

Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 Unname10

Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 Ca-tim12

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 Empty Re: Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003

Message  Predicta Sam 19 Déc - 20:52

Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 13192510

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003 Empty Re: Bob Hope House - Palm Springs- California - John Lautner 1969 - 2003

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