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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

6 participants

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Dim 2 Déc - 23:47

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Labrea10

Hollywood La Brea Motor Hotel

7110 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood 46 California
Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Labrea11

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Jeu 6 Déc - 8:54

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 20080210

The Horizon Hotel à l'origine l’ancienne demeure du magnat du pétrole Jack Wrather construit en 1952 par William A. Cody (Palm Spring - USA)

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Horizo10

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 41464610

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Jeu 6 Déc - 9:10

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 50847610

Oakleigh Motel (Oakleigh) autour de Melbourne Australie. construit en 1957

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Untitl32

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 78690210

En ce moment sauvé de la démolition in extrémis et en voie de réhabilitation (espèrons qu'il sera sauvé définitivement Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 1748372203 )

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 53187210

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Jeu 13 Déc - 10:33

The Caribbean Motel & Bel-Air Motel

5510 Ocean Ave, Wildwood Crest, New Jersey 08260

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Googie10

Bel-Air Motel

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 28240410

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's E9_bel10

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Image-10

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Bel-ai10

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 39222610

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Img12210

Dernière édition par Predicta le Jeu 13 Déc - 10:49, édité 1 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Jeu 13 Déc - 10:46

Caribbean Motel - Wilwood , New Jersey

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 11582_10

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Wildwo10

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 28240110

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 59860010

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Jeu 13 Déc - 18:22

City Center Motel,600 West Van Buren, junction of routes 80 and 60, 70, 89, 93, Phoenix

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Gilbre10

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 64110210

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 39163710

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 81561210

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 22381810

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Fd56fd10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  catfishvince Lun 17 Déc - 19:37

Route 66, Amboy: Le Roy's motel. Désaffecté depuis des décennies Mad
[img]Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 12121708135515316310675642[/img]
[img]Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 12121308383615316310660681[/img]

Messages : 182
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2012
Age : 53
Localisation : Le Muy

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  catfishvince Lun 17 Déc - 19:43

le motel 6 de Palm Springs:

[img]Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 12121309003715316310660762[/img]


Messages : 182
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2012
Age : 53
Localisation : Le Muy

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Sam 20 Avr - 20:52

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 41660610
Hallmark House Hollywood CA
7003 Sunset
Hollywood, Calif.
Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Untitl22

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Untitl23

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 82155310

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Tumblr12

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Avr - 20:55

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Autoal10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Dim 28 Avr - 21:24

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Tumblr66

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Tumblr67

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Tumblr68

1957 The Orbit In | Designed and built by Herb Burns | Palm Springs, CA

Orbit In to the Palm Springs modern vibe and leave your worries behind as you lounge in luxurious mid-century style. Breathtaking mountain views, poolside breakfast, cruiser bikes and cocktails - all served up at a small boutique hotel where vintage modernism meets the 21st century.

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Dim 28 Avr - 21:45

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Shorpy10

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Shorpy11

August 13, 1957. "Tamarack Lodge, Greenfield Park, New York. Window view from lobby." Baby boomers of a certain vintage may recall the circular air-conditioning diffusers (and inevitable ceiling dirt streaks) as literal fixtures of their childhood, along with the many ashtrays, room-divider planters and Danish Modern armchairs. Large-format negative by Samuel Gottscho

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Lun 6 Mai - 22:35

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Tumbl219

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Tumbl220

Before & After

Continental Motel | Hi-Way 40 West 819 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Jeu 29 Aoû - 20:31

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Edd40710

The Admiral Vee Motel at 8000 Biscayne Boulevard in Miami was designed by Maurice Weintraub in 1957. It ceased operation as a motel in approximately 1967 and was later re-opened as the “Millionaires Club” owned by TV and film star Paul Lynde. The club featured live performances by artists such as Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, and many others. The Admiral Vee Motel is now a busy photography studio called Glasshaus Studios.

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Admira10

Le bâtiment aujourd'hui
Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Jpeg_j10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Dim 10 Nov - 20:57

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 10002410

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Dim 10 Nov - 20:58

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 11503310

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Mer 12 Fév - 22:05

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 22573110

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Ven 6 Juin - 20:13

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 10372512

Holiday Inn, Utica, New York c.1950s

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Jeu 19 Juin - 21:35

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 10442510
The Ritz Hotel bar, Vancouver, Canada, 1956

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Ven 4 Juil - 12:33

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 14296810

Sundance Motel Reno - Nevada -N. Virginia st at E. 9th St

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 37335310

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's P8050110

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's P8050111

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Ven 4 Juil - 13:33

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 14446010
Sur la Route 66 Cindy Lyn Motel
5029 W. Ogden (US 66), Cicero, IL

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 7d48d910

The Cindy Lyn Motel opened in 1960 with 18 rooms.  The Cindy Lyn Motel was built on Historic Route 66 to attract travelers headed into Chicago.  We were originally know and marketed as the last motel before the city.The day the Cindy Lyn Motel opened the cost of a room was $6.18 and if a cab dropped off a customer the cab driver would receive a free Cindy Lyn Motel “Zippo” lighter. Since opening day in 1960, the Cindy Lyn Motel has been owned and operated by the same family, we have maintained our personal touch throughout the years.

In the beginning, one person operated the entire property.  The same person who checked customers in at the front desk cleaned all 18 rooms.  Over the years the staff has grown as well as the motel itself. In the early 1990s 3 hot tub suites were added and because of their success, a third floor was added a few years later which features our Presidential Suite along with another hot tub and 2 other  beautiful rooms. In 1999, the east wing was completed which is comprised of 23 rooms plus our first fireplace suite, that offers a gas lit fire next to a Kohler hot tub. Today, we have 65 rooms and a courteous 25 person staff to better serve our guests. We are constantly striving to upgrade our rooms with our guests comfort in mind.

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 74f28f10

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Dsc01010

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  ericforster38 Mar 15 Juil - 8:43

Its really a great collection of old motels and hotels. Its nice to see these beautiful hotels. I have seen Cindy Lyn motel and it was the best experience of my life that I have seen such a great place. I am the big fan of themed hotels and motels like Executive Fantasy Hotels and adult motels.


Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2014

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Ven 25 Juil - 22:00

Florida motel once on the main road now off the beaten path.

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 10524710

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Card0010

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 87598010

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Lun 25 Aoû - 20:55

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 10590513

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

Message  Predicta Lun 9 Fév - 21:52

Photos trouvés par Krunch
Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 10968212

Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's 10984711

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's Empty Re: Motels - Hôtels 1940's - 1960's

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