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Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 - Mulholland Drive CA (USA)

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Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 -  Mulholland Drive CA (USA) Empty Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 - Mulholland Drive CA (USA)

Message  Predicta Sam 1 Oct - 9:26

Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 -  Mulholland Drive CA (USA) Garcia11
This house on Mulholland Drive, southern California, was originally designed for jazz musician Russ Garcia. When? 1964. Architect John Lautner, master of “googie” architecture, was the creator. You might wonder: What’s “googie” architecture?

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 -  Mulholland Drive CA (USA) Empty Re: Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 - Mulholland Drive CA (USA)

Message  Predicta Sam 1 Oct - 9:26

Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 -  Mulholland Drive CA (USA) Garcia10
It’s modern architecture with a futurist spin, influenced by our car culture, the Space Age, and so-called “Atomic Age”. Features include upswept roofs, curved, geometric shapes, and dramatic use of glass, steel, and neon. Boomerangs, flying saucers, atoms and parabolic shapes are prominently incorporated. Garcia’s “Rainbow House” is a prime example. The spaceship has definitely landed!

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 -  Mulholland Drive CA (USA) Empty Re: Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 - Mulholland Drive CA (USA)

Message  Predicta Sam 1 Oct - 9:27

Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 -  Mulholland Drive CA (USA) Interi10
At the start of the 21st century the Rainbow House’s best days were far behind. Way too many “improvements” had robbed the house of its soul.
Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 -  Mulholland Drive CA (USA) John-l10
But now, things are looking up “somewhere over the rainbow.” Current owners of “Rainbow House” have had the house renovated by architects Marmol & Radziner, and decorated by Darren Brown—restoring that old 1960’s “playboy mansion” feel to the house. Wonder if that includes a “gold-plated” pot of gold?

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 -  Mulholland Drive CA (USA) Empty Re: Russ Garcia's house - John Lautner - 1964 - Mulholland Drive CA (USA)

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