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L’Horizon Hotel, Palm Springs, California

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L’Horizon Hotel, Palm Springs, California Empty L’Horizon Hotel, Palm Springs, California

Message  Predicta Dim 29 Avr - 22:00

L’Horizon Hotel, Palm Springs, California 49616810
Originally designed in 1952 by midcentury modernist architect William F. Cody, the revamped hotel, awash in soothing whites, gave us some serious inspiration for our backyard makeover, as it perfectly mixes the Palm Springs glamour that I love with the clean lines that Fred Baby craves. Now if only we could get Steve Hermann, the interior designer who gave The Horizon its multimillion dollar facelift, to come inject a little botox into our backyard, we’d be all set.
L’Horizon Hotel, Palm Springs, California 49616813
L’Horizon has been garnering lots of buzz, with a feature on Architectural Digest and one coming soon from my friends at Palm Springs Style. Officially opening on July 1st and featuring 25 bungalows on three acres, L’Horizon is slated to be the chicest new hotel in Palm Springs.
L’Horizon Hotel, Palm Springs, California 49616812
If there’s a mecca for midcentury-modern design, Palm Springs is it. There’s certainly no shortage of hotels, but L’Horizon is the most jaw-dropping of the pack. In Hollywood’s heyday, stars like Marilyn Monroe and Betty Grable flocked to the property, designed in 1952 by famed Desert Modern architect William F. Cody. Now the iconic hotel has been reborn, with 25 private bungalows outfitted in bespoke and vintage furnishings, Frette linens, marble baths, and Le Labo bath products. As if that weren’t enough, Giacomo Pettinari, who cut his teeth at El Bulli, helms the stylish alfresco restaurant.

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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L’Horizon Hotel, Palm Springs, California Empty Re: L’Horizon Hotel, Palm Springs, California

Message  Predicta Dim 29 Avr - 22:01

L’Horizon Hotel, Palm Springs, California Rlwgmk10

L’Horizon Hotel, Palm Springs, California Thebes10

L’Horizon Hotel, Palm Springs, California Thehor10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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