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The Admiral Vee Motel at 8000 Biscayne Boulevard in Miami

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The Admiral Vee Motel at 8000 Biscayne Boulevard in Miami Empty The Admiral Vee Motel at 8000 Biscayne Boulevard in Miami

Message  Predicta Dim 29 Avr - 21:55

The Admiral Vee Motel at 8000 Biscayne Boulevard in Miami Edd40710

The Admiral Vee Motel at 8000 Biscayne Boulevard in Miami was designed by Maurice Weintraub in 1957. It ceased operation as a motel in approximately 1967 and was later re-opened as the “Millionaires Club” owned by TV and film star Paul Lynde. The club featured live performances by artists such as Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, and many others. The Admiral Vee Motel is now a busy photography studio called Glasshaus Studios.

The Admiral Vee Motel at 8000 Biscayne Boulevard in Miami Admira10

Le bâtiment aujourd'hui
The Admiral Vee Motel at 8000 Biscayne Boulevard in Miami Jpeg_j10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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