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1951 Pontiac - La Bamba -

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1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Empty 1951 Pontiac - La Bamba -

Message  Predicta Mar 14 Avr - 20:31

This is a one of a kind Museum Car a custom 1951 Pontiac Chieftain known as "La Bamba". This classic has won over three hundred trophies including:
1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Bhfgf10
* Wally's Park pick At the 40th US  Nationals Homecoming cruise

* #1 in class at the James Dean festival several years In a row.

* Two time winner of the peoples choice award at the coliseum indoor show

* A feature car at the St. Ignace, MI car show

* Queens choice at the Lime Ohio car show two years in a row

* A Silver bullet Award from Tom Liechty

* Three Best paint Awards

* KKOA Koolest kemp Award

* Best Kustom at Fiesta of the 50's

* It has also been featured in an A&W commercial, on Tee shirts for Kustom Kemps of America, Several Magazines including custom Rodder and Rod and Custom.

* One of ten vehicles featured at the Auburn, Cord,
  Duesenberg museum for the "Riding Low" Fifties Custom cars at Auburn

* Also on Display for two years at the national Auto and Truck Museum in Auburn, Indiana

*  Displayed Seven Years at the Central Texas Museum of Automotive History.
1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Bhvjgc10

The 1951 Pontiac Chieftain features a 472 c.i. massive Big Block motor from a Cadillac with a automatic transmission, Nosed & Decked, scooped hood & quarters, Frenched Headlights, Tail lights and Antenna, Molded '49 Plymouth bumpers, shaved door handles, smoothed dash with frenched gauges, Shrowded lake pipes, Lavender Pearl Paint with Heather Scallops, Alpine AM/FM Stereo with Cd player vintage Air Conditioning that blows ice cold!!!1951

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Fdhs11

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Gfdhsg10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Gfjfth11

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Ghfchg10

Dernière édition par Predicta le Lun 25 Mai - 5:37, édité 1 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Empty Re: 1951 Pontiac - La Bamba -

Message  Predicta Mar 14 Avr - 20:40

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Ghfgd10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Ghfghd11

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Ghfjgd11

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Ghjfj11

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Gjgds10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Hfgdfg12

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Empty Re: 1951 Pontiac - La Bamba -

Message  Predicta Mar 14 Avr - 20:47

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Hfgh10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Hfghf10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Hfjhf10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Hgdgsd10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Hgdsfg10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Hgfjdh12

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Empty Re: 1951 Pontiac - La Bamba -

Message  Predicta Mar 14 Avr - 20:54

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Hkghfg10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Iutrd12

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Jhfgds10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Jfgdfs11

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Jfghfs10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Jfjgdh11

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Empty Re: 1951 Pontiac - La Bamba -

Message  Predicta Mar 14 Avr - 21:00

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Jgdfsd10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Jghfgd10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Jghfgd11

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Jghfhd10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Jghjfj10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Jhffgh10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Empty Re: 1951 Pontiac - La Bamba -

Message  Predicta Mar 14 Avr - 21:04

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Jhfghd10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Jkgfj10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Kghfgd10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Khjhfj10

1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Kjghfg10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Pontiac -  La Bamba -   Empty Re: 1951 Pontiac - La Bamba -

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