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Gordy Brown

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Gordy Brown Empty Gordy Brown

Message  Predicta Sam 11 Oct - 5:52

Juste pour vous dire que le customizer Gordy Brown s'est inscrit sur le forum, remercie d'avoir poster certaines de ses créations et m'a donner les liens web d'autres voitures qu'il a customiser, du coup je les ai misent sur le forum. Je vous met la biographie de Gordy de Kustorama:

Gordy Brown of Salt Lake City, Utah has been into hot rods and customs for the most of his life. At age 14 he got his first car, a 1947 Ford tudor sedan. The tudor was lowered front and rear and all emblems were removed. Blue dot taillight lenses were installed in the rear and brand new 1954 Buick headlight doors up front. The headlight doors were bought right off the dealers parts shelf. The door handles were shaved and covered with a second set of hood moldings from the local wrecking yard. The hood moldings had to be cut down to fit the doors. The car was dark blue with black primer spots over the bodywork. The rims were painted red and whitewalls were painted on with whitewall tire paint from the local parts store.[1]

At age 16, Gordy bought a four years old 1954 Ford Skyliner. At the time he was a member of the Saints of Salt Lake City. He ended up putting his first Skyliner away so he could build another 1954 Ford Skyliner. At the time he had moved on to become a member of the Crusaders of Salt Lake City car club. This one was done in Candy Red and it was showed in the early 1960s. After the Crusaders, Gordy joined the Radicals of Salt Lake City car club as well.[1]

After building his second 1954 Ford Skyliner, Gordy moved to Southern California where he opened up a custom body shop named House of Customs in San Fernando. In the early 1960s Utah passed a law against altered suspension. That pretty well killed customs in Utah, and it was partly the reason why Gordy decided to move to Southern California, where customizing was still strong. The first car Gordy built after moving to California was a customized 1963 Ford Thunderbird. The T-Bird was Gordy's personal driver. After getting a ticket in the freshly done T-Bird somewhere around 1964, Gordy decided to install hydraulic lifts on the car.[1]

Gordy moved back to Salt Lake City in the early 1970s.

Having a soft spot for the Skyliner glass tops, Gordy built a third 1954 Ford that he called "Deja Vu" and he is in the progress of chopping and sectioning a fourth one for himself after he has restored the first one back to its 1950s configuration.[1]

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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