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Jeff beck & The Bigtown Playboys

2 participants

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Jeff beck & The Bigtown Playboys Empty Jeff beck & The Bigtown Playboys

Message  Jerry Yankee Jeu 22 Nov - 11:04

malheureusement y a que ces videos de son album sur tutube,le reste est sur deezer :super: !
Jerry Yankee
Jerry Yankee

Messages : 1246
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012
Age : 31
Localisation : 94,ile-de-françe

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Jeff beck & The Bigtown Playboys Empty Re: Jeff beck & The Bigtown Playboys

Message  UK RUSS 1960 OLDS Jeu 14 Aoû - 22:26

Hi Jerry Yankee,

I am sure you will like this, the only ever live performance of the rockabilly set, Darrell Higham vocals and rhythm guitar.




Messages : 109
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2013
Age : 64

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