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Jeff Beck - Rock n Roll Party Honoring Les Paul - 2010 .+ Imelda May, Darrel Higham, Brian Setzer...

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Jeff Beck - Rock n Roll Party Honoring Les Paul - 2010 .+ Imelda May, Darrel Higham, Brian Setzer... Empty Jeff Beck - Rock n Roll Party Honoring Les Paul - 2010 .+ Imelda May, Darrel Higham, Brian Setzer...

Message  Predicta Ven 24 Mai - 7:58

Blues, Swing, Rock´n´Roll !!!!
1. Baby Let's Play House
2. Double Talkin' Baby
3. Cruisin'
4. Train Kept A Rollin'
5. Poor Boy
6. Cry Me A River
7. My Baby Left Me
8. How High The Moon
9. Sitting On Top Of The World
10. Bye Bye Blues
11. The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise
12. Vaya Con Dios
13. Mockin' Bird Hill
14. I'm A Fool To Care
15. Tiger Rag
16. Peter Gunn
17. Rocking Is Our Business
18. Apache
19. Sleep Walk
20. New Orleans
21. Walking In The Sand
22. Please Mr Jailer
23. Casting My Spell On You
24. Twenty Flight Rock
25. The Girl Can't Help It
26. Rock Around The Clock
27. Shake, Rattle & Roll
Jeff Beck (Guitars)
Imelda May (Vocals)
Darrel Higham (Guitars, Vocals)
Al Gare (Bass)
Jason Rebello (Keyboards)
Stephen Rushton (Drums, Backing Vocals)
Dave Priseman (Trumpet)
Leo Green (Saxophone)
Blue Lou Marini (Baritone Saxophone)
Brian Setzer (Guitar, Vocals)
Gary U.S. Bonds (Vocals)
Troy Andrews (Trombone)

Iridium Jazz Club, New York June 8 & 9, 2010

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Jeff Beck - Rock n Roll Party Honoring Les Paul - 2010 .+ Imelda May, Darrel Higham, Brian Setzer... Empty Re: Jeff Beck - Rock n Roll Party Honoring Les Paul - 2010 .+ Imelda May, Darrel Higham, Brian Setzer...

Message  ChevyDave Ven 24 Mai - 8:35

Y'a du bon , là ! Very Happy

Messages : 3899
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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