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Dixie Rebel Bop

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Dim 24 Mar - 19:03

Don't forget to listen to this Dixie Rebel Bop for the month of April 2024, surely in it you will discover some artist unknown to you until now or/and some song, enjoy this program and all the others that can be heard 24 hours a day every day of the week and month for several years, greetings from Catalonia and until always

In a few weeks, if all goes well, we will meet again at one of the most important events on the old continent, from my native Catalonia I wish you a good trip, see you soon

Between one photo and the other, forty years have passed, the one in which you see me with my 1958 Renault Dauphine car was taken in the French city of Bonneuil sur Marne, we were about to hit the road to go to an event organized by Riot Rockers Fan Club, at that event the Dixie Stompers, The Bunch, The Southerners and the fabulous Dynamite Band performed, at the other you can see me in the Catalan city of Sabadell, near a market where I usually find some 45 RPM vinyl at about Very interesting prices, this morning I bought two for only 5 Euros.

Dj Rockin´Badalona “Eddie-Cesc”

1-Skipper Hunt Combo “Scalded” GL-MV 1900
2-Cliff Richard & the Drifters “The Snake & the Bookworm” Columbia
3-Screamin´Jay Hawkins “Little Demon” Epic 52209
4-Hayden Thompson “Love Me Baby” Phillips 3517
5-Billy Riley “Rock with Me Baby” Sun 245
6-Jerry Lee Lewis “Whole Lotta Shakin´Goin´On” Sun 267
7-Gene Simmons “Crazy Woman” Sun 602
8-Charlie Feathers “On Hand Loose” King 4997
9-Warren Smith “Rock and Roll Ruby” Sun 239
10-Burt Allis & the Diggers “Rock Bop & Dig It” Mac
11-Ricky Nelson “Boppin´the Blues” Imperial 153
12-Vance Morris & His Alabama Play Boys “Crazy´Bout the Boogie” Nashboro Records 1005
13-Tony Casanova “Boogie Woogie Feeling” Dore 535
14-Huelyn Duvall “Comin´or Goin´” Challenge 1012
15-Sleepy LaBeef “Sick and Tired” Charly Records
16-Elmore James “Can´t Stop Lovin´My Baby” Flair Records
17-Elton Anderson with Sid Lawrence Band “I Love You” Trey Records
18-Bonneville “What You Fancy” Hot Wax Records 701
19-Connie Mack Booker “Love Me Pretty Baby” RPM Records
20-Deke Dickerson “It Came To Me in a Dream” Ecco-Fonic 001
21-Paul Perry “(I've Got a Girl Named) Dee” Nu Sound 1008
22-The Flamingos “You Ain´t Ready” Chance Records
23-Buddy Covelle “Lorraine” Coral 962181
24-Moon Mullican “Pipeliner´s Blues” King 1145
25-Buddy Holly “Reminiscing” Coral 62329

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Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Dim 21 Avr - 7:21

In this Dixie Rebel Bop of May 2024 I want to share with all of you a series of vinyl’s and groups that made people talk a lot about them in those 90s, Lenox Records (France) & Tail Records (Swedish), that you enjoy the program just as I do I did it on the day I recorded it

In a few days many of us will see each other again at an authentic Rockin' event, each person will break their daily routine to enjoy the rhythm of R&R, dancing, singing... Many of us will travel several kilometers from our homes to spend some fantastic days, some of us will travel many kilometers, but it is worth it, for all this I wish you from my native Catalonia a very good trip, go very carefully, without rushing, it is better to arrive late than never, see you on the

Dj Rockin´Badalona “Eddie-Cesc”

1-Don Cavalli and the Two Timers “The Creature´s Return” Tail Records
2-Bo Weavil Blues Band “Big City Blues” Lenox Records
3-Sonny Rogers “I´ve Changed My Wild Mind” Tail Records
4-Ike and the Capers “Come Back Baby” Tail Records
5-Al Willis and the Swingters “Angelina” Tail Records
6-Dale Rocka and the Volcanos “You Get Alone, I´ve Got the Blues” Tail Records
7-Don Cavalli and the Two Timers “Two Timer” Lenox Records
8-Jessee Al Tuscan and the Lumberjacks “Moonshine Boy” Tail Records
9-Da Gous Ket Ramblers “Pistol Boogie” Tail Records
10-The Sure Shots 2Don´t Treat Me This Way” Tail Records
11-Don Cavalli “Let´s Live a Little” Tail Records
12-The Wild Goners “You Can´t Make Me Doubt my Baby” Tail Records
13-Da Kous Ket Ramblers “Rovin´Eyes” Tail Records
14-Al Willis and the Swingters “When I´m Gone” Tail Records
15-Tom Powder and the Portfires “Rockin´Rhythm” Tail Records
16-Bo Weavil “Duckin´& Dodgin´” Lenox Records
17-The Hi-Winders “Rockin´with the Rhythm” Lenox Records
18-Riley McOwen and the Sleazy Rustic Boys “Crash the Party” Tail Records
19-The Wild Goners “Space Rocket Bop” Tail Records
20-Bo Weavil Blues Band “So Leaded” Lenox Records
21-Eddie and the Flatheads “I´m a Mad Man” Tail Records
22-Jack Baymoore and the Bandits “Chattanooga Gal” Tail Records
23-Don Cavalli and the Two Timers “Hey, Hey Baby” Tail Records

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Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Sam 25 Mai - 14:18

In this Dixie Rebel Bop for the month of June 2024 you will be able to listen to some great songs and groups, do not hesitate to share this list with all your friends, good music should be spread, if you have a group do not hesitate to contact me, It will be a pleasure to select some of your songs in a future Dixie Rebel Bop and of course in my Deejay sets, but be careful, I only select music and musical styles that range from the mid-40s to the early 60s, obtaining very different musical styles of those years, current groups that sound like they did in the 50s are of course welcome, greetings from Catalonia friends

Dj Rockin´Badalona “EddieCesc”

Harry and the Hounds “Mary Jane” Foot Tapping Records
Ezla Lee & the Round Boys “Silly Lilly” Rhythm Bomb Records
The Nut Jumpers “Drives Up To the Moon” El Dandy Records
The Rebel Rockers “Keep a Knocking” Foot Tapping Records
Manos Wild “I Want It All” Rebel Music Records
Hub Sutter and the Rub Cats “Gone Golsing” Columbus CO-103
Pikey Butler´s Jumpin´Jive “Minor Melody” Swing-O-Rama
The Extraordinaires “Real Gone Mama” All Nite Long Records
Buddy Holly and the Picks “Come Back Baby” RATCD-009
The Three Barons with Tiny Grimes Quintet “Milkshake Stand” Savoy 527
Herman Manzy & his Orchestra “I´m Your Rockin´ Man” Fidelity 3003
The Sureshots “Ready Teddy” Empire Records
The Bonneville Barons “Weird Bony Tommy” The Western Star Recording Company
Mario Bradley “She´s Got Me Hypnotised” Fury Records
Black Knights “Come On Let´s Rock” Ilen Records
Darrel Higham “Please Don´t Leave Me” Foot Tapping Records
The Milestones “Hey, Hey” El Toro Records
Katmen “Teddy Boy´s Dream” Foot Tapping Records
Ghost Highway “Double a Daddy” Jull Records
The Comets “Lili Mae” Rockstar Records
Pike Cavalero “My Bunch of Lovin´Girl” Sleazy Records

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Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Sam 22 Juin - 4:35

Here you have the list of the Dixie Rebel Bop for the month of July 2024, enjoy the program
Dj Rockin´Badalona “Eddie-Cesc”

Black Knights “Rollin´Home” Ilen Records
Darrel Higham “Sweet Love on my Mind” Foot Tapping Records
Dixie Fried Hep Katz “Vegas Strip Blues” Chicken Beak Records
King Drapes “I Will Stay” Rebel Music Records
Rockin´Aldo “Teddy Cats R&R” Rebel Music Records
Flatfoot Shakers “Louisiana Mama” Rhythm Bomb Records
Willie Lewis “Blues Stay Away From Me” Rhythm Bomb Records
Dawn Shipley & the Sharp Shooters “On Cup of Coffee” El Toro Records
Sylvia Sands “Growing Love” Rebel Music Records
Elvis Presley “In the Ghetto” RCA Records
Ken Marvin “Two Tone Ten Ton” Intro 45001
Jimmy Jackson “Reckon I´ll Go Too” Columbia 7768
The Rapiers “It´s Gonna Take Magic” Fury Records
The Rimshots “Mad at You” Rockhouse Records
Crazy Cavan & the Rhythm Rockers “Tom Dooley” Crazy Rhythm Records
Wayne Toombs “Working Man” Stomper Time Records
Rockouse Strullers “Look So Deep” Moondog Records
Delbert Barker with the Gateway All Stars “Why Baby” Why” Gateway Top Tune 1150
The Big Jamboree “Big Bess” TBJR
The C-Notes “On Your Mark” El Toro Records
Col Grogan and Steve Dawson “I Must Be Mad” Kathy Records
The Blue Flames “Hello Baby” Raucous Records 062
Tiny & Tim “Bop a Daddy Do” Okey 47105
The Hirollers “Tell Me Pretty Baby”Artracks Recordings
Bobby Williamson “A Little Bit of This” Bear Familly Records

Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Dj_roc17

Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Dim 28 Juil - 15:10

Dixie Rebel Bop, August 2024 has arrived, varied in Rockin' styles as always, I have no doubt that as listeners of you will enjoy listening to this selection, do not hesitate to share this list with all your friends, greetings from Catalonia .
Dj Rockin´Badalona

1-The Shadows “The Rumble” ESDF 1447
2-Golden Quarter “Peanut Butter” Vergara 330018
3-Los Teen Tops “Deja el Sol Brillar” CBS 20098
4-Paul Anka “Last to Night” HP 9715
5-Cliff Richard and the Drifters “That´ll Be the Day” La Voz de tu Amo 13401
6-Núria Feliu “Mai no Reposes” Edigsa 69
7-Dominique & Georges Jouvin “Hully Gully” La Voz de tu Amo 13969
8-Tommy Steele “Hollin´& Screamin´” Edge 71480
9-Moustique “Je suis Comme Ça” Golf Drouot 71005
10-Los Teen Tops « Mucho, Mucho, Mucho » CBS 20032
11-Don Lang and his Frantics Five “Red Planet Rock” La Voz de tu Amo 1181
12-Benny Waters Orchestra “Moulin Rouge” Versaille 12017
13-Irene de Trebert & orchestra Raymond Legrand « Mademoiselle Swing » Columbia 2879
14-Paul Martel “Nashville Tennessee” London 5070
15-The Night Owls “Splish Splash” Valmor Records
16-Johnny Cash “I Was There When It Happened” London Records 2179
17-Joss Baselli & his Rockets and Pierre Gossez “Le Bidon” Philips P370155F
18-Mac-Kac & his French R&R “Moi j´suis dans le Coup” Atlantic 8012
19-Ray Anthony and his Bookends « Twist around Mister » Capitol Records 1668
20-Arthur Murrays & his King Curtis “The Arthur Murrays Twist” RCA Records 2494
21-Claude Bolling “Mad Madison” Philips – 424.280 PE
22-Leo Benoit “Le R&R C´est Bon » Guitare GTL-1923
23-Bill Black´s Combo « King of the Road » Hi Records – SHL 32036
24-Elvis Presley “See See Rider” RCA Records
25-Rocky Salvation & the Satelites “Long Tall Sally” Windmill Records 160

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Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Ven 30 Aoû - 7:35

List of the Dixie Rebel Bop program for the month of September 2024, enjoy the programming

Dj Rockin´Badalona “Eddie-Cesc”

Black Ball Boogie “Teresina” Fonoprint Studio
Black Ball Boogie “Il Molesto” Fonoprint Studios
Joe Dee and his Jettones “Hip Shakin´Mama” Rebel Music Records
The Drew Davies Rhythm Combo “Hop Skip & Jump” DDRC Productions
Jimmy Jackson “White Silver Sands” El Toro Records
Crazy Cavan and the Rhythm Rockers “Raining in my Heart” Crazy Rhythm Records
Studs Henderson & his Orchestra “Stud´s Boogie” Capitol 15376
Doles Dickens Quintet “Gonna Rock this Mornin´” Decca Records
Marcos Sendarrubias “This is a Robbery” Carmela Records
Joe Liggins & Frakk Pasley “Little Joe´s Boogie” Specialty
Good Time Jazz “Who´s Gonna Cry For You” Vocation Records
Lou Cifer and the Hellions “Where the Teds Go” Hell’s Kitchen Records
The Twany Owls “Jeannie with Dark Blues Eyes” Foot Tapping Records
Ricky Norton & the Hot Rocks “Such a Night” Hi-Space
Keely Smith & Louis Prima with Sam Butera and the Witnesses “The Lip” London HA-D 2243
Bob Riley & the Boppers “Rock and Roll Mama” Eagle 90203
Nico and the Rhythm Dudes “Sausage Rock” Auto-Pruduction
Grizzly Family “Barking Up the Wrong Tree” Calavera Records
The Barroom Buddies Band “Drunk and Crazy” Katrhina Studio
Bobby Darin “Blues-Eyed Mermaid” El Toro Records
Los Faraones “Estoy preparado” Rockanbole

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Terras12

Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Mer 11 Sep - 12:44

This is the Dixie Rebel Bop playlist for the month of October 2024, don't forget to listen to good music
Dj Rockin´Badalona “Eddie-Cesc”

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By the way, if you live outside Catalonia and are spending a few days in Catalonia, remember that on October 5th Terrassa Rock & Roll is organizing a very interesting event, two DJs and two groups, the Ballroom Buddies Band from Barcelona and Black Ball Boogie who will come to us directly from Bologna, Italy, I attach the poster.

1-Dennis Coffey “Guitar Boogie” Star-2405
2-Mack Allen Smith “Shake Your Money Maker” Charly Records
3-Bobby Solo with Black Ball Boogie “One Sided Love Affair” Fonoprint Studios
4-Big Sandy and the Fly-Rite Trio “Pinin´” No Hit Records
5-Doc and the Mads “Mama Said No” Buen ritmo
6-The Keytones “That´S My Desire” Grover Records
7-Robert Gordon “Walk On By” RCA-Victor
8-Cadillac “Jive to the Drive” Nevis
9-Elvis Presley “Lover Doll” RCA Records
10-Almos Milburn “After Midnite” Route 66
11-Bobby Solo with Black Ball Boogie “Fool Such As I” Fonoprint Studio
12-Rudy Grayzell “I Love You So” Starday Records
13-Arlie Duff “Alligator Come Across” MCA Records
14-Roy P-Cat and the V8 Daddies “V8 Boogie Woogie” 8 Ball Records
15-Flying Saucers “Diana” Muza Polskie Nagrania
16-Clifton Chenier “Night & Day My Love” Flyinght Records
17-King Cat & the Pharaohs “Don´T Shoot Me Baby” Bopland Records
18-Andy Doll and Band “You Can´t Me from Dreaming” White Label
19-The Chimes “Chop-Chop” ACE Records
20-Crazy Cavan and the Rhythm Rockers “Teddy Jive” Charly Records
21-Buddy Griffin´with Brothers Orchestra “I Wanna Go Back” ACE Records
22-Little Richard “Keep a Knockin´” Specialty Records
23-Curley Jim Morrison “My Old Stand By” White Label
24-Chuck Miller “Chuck´s Boogie” Revival Records

Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Terras14

Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Dim 27 Oct - 2:38

For this month of November 2024, the Dixie Rebel Bop programming will be mostly current groups, R&R Revival and some from the 50s, varied in styles, enjoy the selection, greetings from Catalonia

Dj Rockin´Badalona formerly Eddie-Cesc

Muvva “Guitar” Hubbard “Ponytail” ABC-Paramount 459982
Bluegrass Stuff “Big Ole Moon” El Toro Records
Pike Cavalero “Little I” Sleazy Records
The Hick Men “The World´s Greatest Blackou” Lo-Fi Monophonic
Roy Powell & the Shiver Givers “R&R Radio”
Donna and Jet Black “No Part Time Loving” CFR-003
The Red Roosters “Boogie Woogie Country Girl” HCFRR01/1
Butch Stone and his Orchestra “Your Red Wagon”
Pep Torres “Live It Up” Rhythm Bomb Records
Barny & the Rhythm All Stars “Crazy Beat” Wild Records
Be Bop Creek “Alone & Crying” Records Freight
Ed Cavin & the Blue Kings “Gotta Get You, You, You, of my Mind” Enviken Records
The Panthers “Vampire Blues” Rebel Music Records
Ray Allen “Goodbye Little Baby my Mine” Rhythm Bomb Records
Crazy Cavan & the Rhythm Rockers “Bop Little Baby” Big Beat Records
The Megatons “You´re the One That Done It” Rock Paradise Records
Elvis Presley “Make Me Know It” RCA Records
Jacoby Bros “Food Plan Boogie“ TNT 1001
The Hi-Fi´s “Here Come´s That Feeling” Foot Tapping Records
Legacaster “Date on the Corner” Kathrina Records
Milan Brown “I´m Going Back” Baton Records
Thelma Cooper and her Boyfriend “Cute Poppa” Gotham Records

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Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Dim 24 Nov - 10:19

Last Dixie Rebel Bop of this year 2024, for several days and weeks in December, listeners of will be able to enjoy the selection of Dj Rockin'Badalona before Eddie-Cesc, from my native Catalonia I wish you a happy end of the year, goodbye...

1-The Renegades “High Tension” Chardo Records 7778
2-Jim Alley & the Alley Cats “The Great Pretender” Pearl Recordings 1111
3-Big Jack Reynolds & his Blues Men "I Had a Little Dog" Hi-Q 915F-5036
4-Shakin´Pyramids “Tired & Sleepy” Virgin Records 1203826
5-Mardel Floyd “Got the Blues from Waiting” Sunjay Production
6-Tender Slim “I´m Checkin´Up” Herald 571
7-Tillman Franks & his Rainbow Boys “Hayride Boogie” Pacemaker Records 1011
8-Red Foley “Hoot Owl Boogie” Charly CR30230
9-Flying Saucers “Baby´s Leaving Town” EMI Records 3401
10-Jim Lowe “Oh-Oh Baby!” Domino 1002
11-Merrill E. Moore “It´s a One Way Door” Capitol Records 3140
12-Gene Vincent “Party Doll” Rollin´Rock 200135
13-Hotfoot Gale “Wash Machine Boogie” Charly Records – CYS 1044
14-Jim Carlisle “Just Wanna Make Love to You” WCI – 105
15-Roy Orbison “Bad Cat” Rollin´Records 073
15-Anna Dukke “33 Ball´s” Folc Records 228
16-Kid Rocker & the Phantoms “She´s the Girl” Crazy Gator Records 45001
17-Clayton Watson & his Silhouettes “Tal Skinny Annie” Hillsdale Records 10
18-Marcel Bontempi & his Ghoulish Awe Kestra “The Ghost of Darlin´Corey” Twi Lite Records
19-Ric Arlandi “Sixteen Tons of Rockin´Rhythm” Moondog Records 2201
20-Red Hot and Blues “I´m Moving Away” Fury Records 005
21-The Wise Guys “Rude Bad Boy” El Toro Records

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Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Sam 21 Déc - 16:57

New Dixie Rebel Bop for this January 2025, I hope and wish that you like the selection greetings from my native Catalonia.

Dj Rockin´Badalona formerly Eddie-Cesc

1-The Pickin´Boppers “Wild Shot” Sleazy Records
2-The Rapiers “Doctor Feelgood” Fury Records
3-Yakety Yak “Please Don´t ASK” Chick-A-Boom
4-Cliff Edmonds feat Rockin´Hellfire “I Love My Job” Rebel Music Records
5-Furious “We are the Teds” Fury Records
6-Phil Haley and his Comments “Be-Bop” Tombstone Records
7-Jack Calypso Trio “Please Comeback another Day” Around the Shack Records
8-Eddy Arnold “Two Kinds of Love” RCA-320103
9-The Greyhounds “Rockin´Daddy” Ravenite Records
10-Rawhide “Ridin´with the Rockers” Diablo 009
11-Little Dave & the Sun Sessions “Purr, Kitty, Purr” Vee-Tone Records
12-Wild Bob Burgos & his Band “Blues Skies” Wildcat Records
13-Graham Fenton meets Jackson Sloan & Friends “Let´s Rock” Tessy Records
14-Cosh Boys “Louisiana Mama” Rebel Music Records
15-Souta & the Blitz Attack Boys “My Engine Wild” Thoussands Records
16-Marcel Bontempi “Eighteen” Chaputa Records
17-The Shakin´Rockers “All Night Rockers” Diablo Records
18-Don Cavalli and the Venetians “Oush & Pull” Spare Time Records
19-Crazy Cavan & the Rhythm Rockers “Wake Me Up” Crazy Rhythm Records
20-Town Rebels “Bomber Rock” Diablo Records
21-Lou Cifer and the Hellions “Dance of the Teddy Boy” 57 Records
22-Edwardian Devils “Damned to Teddy Boy” Part Records
23-The Firebirds “Gee” Ridgemount Records
24-The Lincolns “Mama Don´t Like It” The Trater Records
25-The Kaisers “Guillotine Twist” Sleazy Records

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Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Sam 18 Jan - 8:38

In this 2025 February Dixie Rebel Bop you can listen to excellent songs from more or less well-known groups and artists. I hope you enjoy the programs of forever.
Dj Rockin´Badalona formerly Eddie-Cesc

Big Bob Dougherty “Teen-Age Flip” Wesport Records 139
Black Cat “Blood Shot Eyes” Wildcat Production
Ronnie Nightingale & the Haydocks “Better Be Home” Rebel Ted Records
The Jackson Brothers Orchestra “We´re Gonna Rock This Joint” RCA-Victor
Julia Lee “Snath and Grad It” Bear Family Records
The Blue Ribbon Four “Come Whtat May” Lightning Recorders
Crazy Cavan and the Rhythm Rockers “Next Time You´re Leavin´”Crazy Rhythm Music”
Sandy Ford (Flying Saucers) “What´s Your Name?” Rawking Records
Pete Davenport and his Crazy Quavers “Thanks Awfully” Great Central Records
Black Knight “The Boot-Black Boy” Ilen Records
Willie Lewis “Sixteen Chicks” Rhythm Bomb Records
The Ol´Bry “Do It Wild” Rock Paradise Records
Daisy Mae & Hepcats “Stuff You Gotta Watch” Flying Records
Tinez Roots Club “Rock Baby Rock” Donor Productions
Jackson Sloan and the Rhythmtones “Ghost Train” Shack Records
Cosh Boys “Bring Back Rockabilly Back” Rebel Music Records
The Red Roosters “Lillie Mae” Auto-Production
Rockhouse Strullers “Sure to Fall” Moondog Records
Darrell Higham “Tear It Up” Foot Tapping Records
The Earth Angels “Weakness” Rare Rockin´Records
Jet Black “Jezebel” Rockhouse
Mabel Scott “Baseball Boogie” King 4368
Tommy Spurlin & the Southern Boys “Hang Loose” Stomper Time Records

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Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Lun 3 Fév - 14:41

In this 2025 Mars Dixie Rebel Bop you can listen to excellent songs from more or less well-known groups and artists. I hope you enjoy the programs of forever

Dj Rockin´Badalona formerly Eddie-Cesc

1-Johnny & the Hurricanes “Sandstorm” London Records 20949 from Germany 1973
2- Memphis Slim “Let the Good Times Roll Creole” Summit – ATL 4115 from UK 1964
3-Gatemouth Moore “Boogie Woogie Papa” Blues Stectrum 107 from USA 1977
4-Black Ball Boogie meet Bobby Solo “Rock Around the Clock” from Italía
5-Albert Williams “Sweet Home Chicago”
6-Sleepy LaBeef “Shame, Shame, Shame” SROLLCD818X from USA 2008
7-Carl Smith “Cut Across Shorty” Columbia Records 441642 from USA
8-Allan Rich “Break Up” EPIC KE 33078 from USA 1974
9-Johnny & the Roccos “Bop a Dee” SUNJAY 585 from UK 1989
10-Thunder “Election Day” La Atlàntida from BCN 2024
11-Johnny Burnette “It´ll be all Right” Norton Records from USA
12-Molly Bee “Sweet Shoppe Sweetheart” DOT 15453 from USA 1956
13-Chuck Berry “Man and the Donkey” Chess 1480 from USA 1963
14-Paul (Ott) Carruth “Kitty Kat” Thunder Int.1022 from USA 1960
15-Wilrwind “One More Chance” 10" ACE CH-4 from UK 1977
16-C.S.A “Till i Waltz Again With You” Billygoad Records from UK 1978
17-Harper Brinson Band “Harper´s Express” Specialty – 593 from USA
18-Connie Mack Brooker & his Orchestra “Love Me Pretty Baby” RPM Records 401 from UK 2010
19-Wild Angels “Wrong Number, Try Again” B & C 123 from UK 1970
20-Etta James “The Pick-Up” Top Rank International from Jamaica
21-Dale Hawkins “My Baby” Quality K 1804 from Canada 1958
22-Dave Travis “Night Train to Memphis” SRLM-508 from UK 1978
23-Duane Eddy & the Rebels “I Almost Lost My Mind” Jamie 303 from USA 1958

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Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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Dixie Rebel Bop  - Page 5 Empty Re: Dixie Rebel Bop

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