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Dixie Rebel Bop "Rockabilly Radio"

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Dixie Rebel Bop "Rockabilly Radio"  Empty Dixie Rebel Bop "Rockabilly Radio"

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Dim 26 Fév - 9:08

In this program of the month of March 2023 you can listen to very interesting groups and songs, enjoy the Dixie Rebel Bop program the program can be heard:

*Monday 4am UK (05.00 CET)
*Thursday 4pm UK (17.00 CET)
*Saturday 8 am UK (09.00 CET)

1-The Boogie Combo “Ruine B Boogie” Chickens Records
2-The Hayriders “You Know That We´re Through” Foot Tapping Records
3-Caroline Casey and the String slingers “Caffeine, Nicotine” El Toro Records
4-Darrel Higham & the Enforcers “Guybo” Vampirella Music
5-Nelson Carrera and the Dixie Boys “Wrong Yo Yo” Raising Legends Records
6-The Rhythm Aces “Me & the Boys” LT Studio
7-The Ragtones “You´re Gone” Sleazy Records
8-The Dandies “Take Me for a Long Long Ride” At Studio
9-The Primer Kings “Crazy like Me” Moondog Music
10-Billy Hammond and the Hotshots “That Cadillac” CJRO Records
11-The King Beats “Uh Baby” RockStars Records
12-Joey Welz “The Whistlin´Piano Man” Caprice International Records
13-Atomic Leopards “Nascut Enmig de Barcelona” Baby & Distort Kid
14-Bad Luck and Trouble “Whoop-Bop-A-Do” Rebel Music Records
15-Crazy Cavan & the Rhythm Rockers “Wild Woman” Crazy Rhythm Music
16-The Gin Mill Trio “Papa´s on the House Top” Goofin´Records
17-The Jaguars “Sharpe I´m In” MSB Studio
18-Rockin´Paradox “Happy Rock and Roll” Moondog Music
19-The Forty Nighters “Dig Myself a Hole” On in Five Million
20-Nick Satan & the Rockin´ Devils “Come & Tell Me Why You´re Leaving Me” Orchid Records
21-Johnny Nicholas & Friends “Rock my Blues Away” Remastered
22-Jackson Sloan & the Rhythm Tones “You Know I Know” Shellac Records

Dixie Rebel Bop "Rockabilly Radio"  Vilade11

Dixie Rebel Bop "Rockabilly Radio"  Cesc_216

Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 581
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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