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1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop

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1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Empty 1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop

Message  Predicta Dim 19 Avr - 14:25

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Bobcre10
Ford Coupe restyled by Barris Kustoms, Cushenbery Custom Shop and Hal Hutchins for Bob Crespo. The car is also knows as "Les Po Po". The car is still around, and was in 2013 owned by Mark Moriarity who was busy restoring the old show car.

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Bob-cr10

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Bobcre11

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Crespo10

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Bobcre12

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Bobcre13

Dernière édition par Predicta le Dim 3 Mai - 22:13, édité 1 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Empty Re: 1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop

Message  Predicta Dim 19 Avr - 14:27

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Bob_cr10

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Bobcre14

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Bobcre15

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Bobcre16

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Bobcre17

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  P9230010

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Crespo11

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Empty Re: 1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop

Message  Predicta Dim 19 Avr - 14:28

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Crespo12

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Laquad10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Empty Re: 1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop

Message  Predicta Dim 19 Avr - 14:29

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Crespo13

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Lespop10

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Lespop11

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Lespop12

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Empty Re: 1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop

Message  Predicta Dim 19 Avr - 14:38

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  137

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  236

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  332

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  421

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  515

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Crespo14

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Empty Re: 1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop

Message  Predicta Dim 19 Avr - 14:39

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Crespo16

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Crespo17

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Empty Re: 1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop

Message  Predicta Jeu 30 Avr - 5:17

1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  11209310
Mark Moriarity is getting closer to complete the restoration of Bob Crespo's wild 1940 Ford Coupe Custom from the early 1960's. The Ford was sectioned by Hal Hutchins and later, after a mishap that damaged the rear, Bob took the car to Bill Cushenbery who restyled the running boards and fenders. The Barris Shop later did the wild looking grille hood scoops and quad headlights. Looking forward to see this wild 60's creation back in its original shape.
Rik Hoving

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop  Empty Re: 1940 Ford - Les Po Po - Bob Crespo - Barris Kustoms - Cushenbery Custom Shop

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