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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

Message  Predicta Dim 31 Aoû - 9:39

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerrys10
1951 Chevrolet Club Coupe originally restyled by Bailon's Custom Shop for Satan's Angels member Jerry Sahagon of Hayward, California. Jerry worked hand in hand with Bailon customizing his Chevy. The unique grille consisted of two 1954 Buick bumpers and bullets, round center bars and seven 1953 Mercury teeths were placed in the upper grille cavity. The scooped headlights were frenched using 1954 Mercury headlight rims. Small air-scoops, featuring five 1953 Mercury trim teeth, were crafted onto the rear fenders. 1956 DeSoto taillights were grafted onto the extended rear fenders. The rear bumper was taken from a 1953 Oldsmobile. Jerry's car was lowered six inches both rear and aft. The car was decked and shaved for handles, but the side trim and hood molding were kept stock. The Chevy rolled on wide white walls with Oldsmobile Fiesta hubcaps. Once the body was completed, the car was painted in Bailon's own mixture of "Candy Apple". Jerry's car was actually the first car ever to be painted Candy Apple red. About five months and $500 later, Jerry's Club Coupe was finished.[1]

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerry-10
Jerry's Chevrolet was later restyled by Joe Ortiz. The Bailon restyled front was placed onto a second car and modified to accept a pair of canted quad headlights.[2] The top on the second car, also a 1951 Chevrolet, was chopped 6 inches and fit with a one-piece windshield. This time the side trim and hood molding were shaved. Dual spotlights, lakes pipes and special made hub caps were added. A hand formed scoop was grafted on to the hood, custom taillights were tunneled on the quarter panels and the rear of the car was modified to accept a custom made bumper. The rear wheel openings were reshaped, and two peaks were molded on to the deck lid. Jerry's Chevrolet was later shown at the 1960 National Roadster Show. By then it featured a pleated and tufted Naugahyde and velvet interior stitched by Jerry himself. The car had also received a Pearl White and Chicano Purple scallop paint job by Joe Ortiz.

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerry-11

lien de référence:'s_1951_Chevrolet

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerry-12

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Kustom10

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Kustom11

Dernière édition par Predicta le Sam 10 Aoû - 20:37, édité 3 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty Re: 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

Message  Predicta Dim 31 Aoû - 9:40

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerry-11

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Sahago10
Magazine Features

Car Craft July 1957
Trend Book 133 Custom Cars 1957 Annual
Custom Cars January 1958
Car Craft April 1958
Custom Cars February 1960
Trend Book 197 Custom Cars 1961 Annual

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty Re: 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

Message  Predicta Sam 10 Aoû - 20:32

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty Re: 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

Message  Predicta Sam 10 Aoû - 20:34

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerrys12

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerrys11

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerrys10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty Re: 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

Message  Predicta Sam 10 Aoû - 20:34

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerrys13

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerrys15

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerrys14

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty Re: 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

Message  Predicta Sam 10 Aoû - 20:35

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Pb050016

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty Re: 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

Message  Predicta Sam 10 Aoû - 20:39

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerry-12

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Jerry-13

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Sahago10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon - second Version - Petersen Archives 1960

Message  Predicta Sam 10 Aoû - 20:42

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84128610

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84128710

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84128810

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty Re: 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

Message  Predicta Sam 10 Aoû - 20:44

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84128910

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84129010

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84129110

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty Re: 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

Message  Predicta Sam 10 Aoû - 20:44

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84129210

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84129310

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84129410

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty Re: 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

Message  Predicta Sam 10 Aoû - 20:45

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84129510

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84140010

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84140110

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty Re: 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

Message  Predicta Sam 10 Aoû - 20:46

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84140210

1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon 84140310

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon Empty Re: 1951 Chevrolet - Jerry Sahagon - Joe Bailon

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