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1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up

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1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up Empty 1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up

Message  Predicta Sam 21 Déc - 8:12

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 32646010
Freakshow has our noodle in a bind. There's not much left of the original '64 Chevy C-10, but it definitely says "1964 Chevy Pickup" on the placard. By all rights it should be the absolute baddest truck/car in the show hands down with a blown 354 cubic inch hemi, six Stromberg 97 carbs, the sickest custom headers we've ever seen all running through a four speed Muncie to a 9 inch Ford rear with 4:11 gears. It has a beer keg and an in-cabin tap coming out a skull mounted under a gun rack. And yet here we are torn - the car is pink, with white fur everywhere, and has a pink telephone on the dash. What. The. Hell?
1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 32646012

Yes, we know, it doesn't look like any 1964C-10 we've ever seen either, that's because it's sporting a '61 Chrysler nose and a '57 Chrysler tail along with an incredibly schizophrenic paint scheme. But still, we circle back to this brutal dichotomy of total dominating badassity spitting in the face of convention. Sitting amidst this sea of flat black and rusty hot rods is a cotton candy monster waiting to eat your lunch, but it is nigh on invisible due to its fluffy persona. If Clint Eastwood dressed up like a lady and drove this car around, the world would end, of this we are certain.

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 32646013
Bill Bierman of the Creative Customs Chop Shop, maker of Freakshow, seen here and above and described by Iowahawk as “a pink flaked, green flamed pickup with an 8 duece blown Hemi, refridgerated full keg with console mounted beer tap, rifle rack with matching pink machine gun, and angel fur cab full of
1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 32654210

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up Origin10

Dernière édition par Predicta le Ven 1 Mai - 7:11, édité 1 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up Empty Re: 1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up

Message  Predicta Sam 21 Déc - 8:22

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 42129410
1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 52936210

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 24275_10

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 6312_510

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up Empty Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up

Message  Predicta Sam 21 Déc - 16:54

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 5541_110

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up Dscn1210

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up Feak_s10

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up L_c86010

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up Playbo10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up Empty Re: 1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Déc - 8:40

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 14598510

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 15086210

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 10375110

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 10408912

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 10868115

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 10881910

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up Empty Re: 1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up

Message  Predicta Lun 9 Fév - 10:08

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 10014511

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 10390310

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 10394110

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 10464010

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 10500310

1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up 10968312

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up Empty Re: 1964 Chevy Pick up - Freakshow - '64 radical chevy pick up

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