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1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.

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1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  Empty 1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.

Message  Predicta car Sam 30 Mar - 8:02

About 20,000 were produced by Hudson in house in the Hudson factory. Available in four colors: Two tone green, two tone blue, two tone maroon, and two tone maroon on one side, clesr on the other as shown here - Robert Woolley
1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  43431910

1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  43424210

1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  43429710

Predicta car

Messages : 3682
Date d'inscription : 17/12/2023

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1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  Empty Re: 1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.

Message  Predicta car Sam 30 Mar - 8:02

1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  43429510

1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  43430110

1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  43430210

Predicta car

Messages : 3682
Date d'inscription : 17/12/2023

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1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  Empty Re: 1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.

Message  Predicta car Sam 30 Mar - 8:03

1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  43430310

1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  43430111

1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  43331010

Predicta car

Messages : 3682
Date d'inscription : 17/12/2023

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1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.  Empty Re: 1948 Hudson promotional in about 1/16 scale.

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