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Ric "Ángel" Arlandi

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Ric "Ángel" Arlandi Empty Ric "Ángel" Arlandi

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Sam 23 Juil - 18:02

Ric “Ángel” Arlandi is a veteran of the R&R scene; he was part of the Raw Deal but also of Ric and the Dukes , Ric's and the Rocks
He has participated in crowds at parties, concerts and festivals.

Ric "Ángel" Arlandi Ric__g11

His latest album has been released by Moondog Music this year, 2022, a fantastic EP with three songs signed by Ángel “Ric” Arlandi himself and a version of “No, No Baby” by Al Ferrier-Eddie Shuler, recorded in 1956 by Al Ferrier with the Boppin Billies and first issued on Goldband G-1031

Ric "Ángel" Arlandi Al_fer11

Apparently the titles were recorded at the Rock-A-Ville Studios in Malaga (Andalucía) in 2019, accompanied by excellent musicians, it's a great vinyl, although my favorites are on side A of the album, with that I don't want to say that the face B I don't like it, none of that.
Do not hesitate, get this fantastic Ep, you will not regret it, believe me.

Ric "Ángel" Arlandi Ric_ep11

Dj Rockin´Badalona “Eddie-Cesc”

Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 574
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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