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The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s.

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The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. Empty The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s.

Message  Predicta Lun 8 Juil - 10:13

A wonderful post shared by Christian Lukather...

Meet Jean Valjean Vandruff. He's 97 years old. Jean is the original designer and builder of the Cinderella Homes. These charming tract homes can be found in Anaheim, Tustin, Placentia, Costa Mesa, San Fernando Valley - throughout California - as well as Kansas and Texas. Jean built his first custom home in 1950 in Downey, CA. Through a franchise deal, other contractors were able to build Cinderella Homes - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. His homes are still loved and cherished today. Over 6,000 Cinderella Homes were built.

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 66107910

I met with Jean on Sunday as we toured some of the homes he designed in Placentia, CA. We've made several field trips to his homes over the last few years, with Jean and his wonderful family. Jean is very articulate, energetic, has a great memory, and, believe it or not, still drives a car!

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 66193510

I'm currently writing a book on Jean Vandruff and his magical Cinderella Homes. He is a true treasure, a tract home legend, and a very warm and caring person. He's also a veteran of WWII, flying missions in B17 and B24 Bombers.
The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 66151510

I'm honored to know Jean and his family. The legend lives on ... Do you know someone who lives in, or lived in, a Cinderella Home?

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. Empty Re: The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s.

Message  Predicta Lun 8 Juil - 10:13

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 66031510

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 66216310

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 66519610

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. Empty Re: The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s.

Message  Predicta Lun 8 Juil - 10:14

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 66103810

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 66203710

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 66339910

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. Empty Re: The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s.

Message  Predicta Lun 8 Juil - 10:18

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. Images15

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. Img_1210

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. Facebo10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. Empty Re: The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s.

Message  Predicta Lun 8 Juil - 10:20

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. Blog110

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 43715f10

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 65937610

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. Empty Re: The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s.

Message  Predicta Lun 8 Juil - 10:21

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 66606910

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. 66354510

The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. Lpt-l-10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s. Empty Re: The Cinderella homes built in Southern California built by Vandruff - from the 1950s thru the 1960s.

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