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US - Southern California drag racing

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US - Southern California drag racing Empty US - Southern California drag racing

Message  Primer Podcast Jeu 6 Juin - 3:14

We returned to the Irwindale Speedway for the 43rd annual Antique Nationals for some great 1/8th mile drag racing for pre 1956 cars, trucks and motorcycles. Got a homemade something of that era? not a problem. Bring a helmet, strap on your seat belt, pass tech, you got a lane to dial in! Vintage everything. This event also had a small swap meet area and a strong presence from the Ford 4 club. Tons of cool roadsters in the show area along with lots of pickups and motorcycles.
enjoy these!
US - Southern California drag racing 8931219059_7075608a79_o
Antique Nationals 02 June 2013_17 by PrimerPodcast, on Flickr
US - Southern California drag racing 8931816290_b165bffa83_o
Antique Nationals 02 June 2013_34 by PrimerPodcast, on Flickr
US - Southern California drag racing 8931180067_2607b584a9_o
Antique Nationals 02 June 2013_68 by PrimerPodcast, on Flickr
US - Southern California drag racing 8931177283_eebc8e3b44_o
Antique Nationals 02 June 2013_84 by PrimerPodcast, on Flickr
US - Southern California drag racing 8931319309_eb4c75bb0b_o
Antique Nationals 02 June 2013_130 by PrimerPodcast, on Flickr
US - Southern California drag racing 8931316143_9a540327f1_o
Antique Nationals 02 June 2013_139 by PrimerPodcast, on Flickr
US - Southern California drag racing 8931518723_8e9854e8ba_o
Antique Nationals 02 June 2013_301 by PrimerPodcast, on Flickr
US - Southern California drag racing 8931515253_8f1d50fa99_o
Antique Nationals 02 June 2013_326 by PrimerPodcast, on Flickr

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Primer Podcast

Messages : 15
Date d'inscription : 29/03/2013
Localisation : USA

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US - Southern California drag racing Empty Re: US - Southern California drag racing

Message  Predicta Jeu 6 Juin - 5:13

Thank you !!!!!!

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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US - Southern California drag racing Empty Re: US - Southern California drag racing

Message  Z Jeu 6 Juin - 6:51

Fantastic pics :jumpy: Thanks a lot :super: The duval windsreen/deuce grille roadster is awesome :love:

Messages : 1323
Date d'inscription : 23/11/2012
Age : 57
Localisation : El Rio Tordo

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US - Southern California drag racing Empty Re: US - Southern California drag racing

Message  ChevyDave Jeu 6 Juin - 7:40

Wahow !! Great pics ! :super:

Messages : 3899
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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US - Southern California drag racing Empty Re: US - Southern California drag racing

Message  custom 56 Jeu 6 Juin - 9:14

wwouahh thank you for the pics :dribble: :super:
custom 56
custom 56

Messages : 2631
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2012
Age : 28
Localisation : 77 seine et marne

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US - Southern California drag racing Empty Re: US - Southern California drag racing

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