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1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action

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1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action Empty 1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action

Message  Predicta Sam 30 Mar - 21:08

This is a piece of rolling automotive history! It's a 1929 (30) Model A Ford roadster Built in 1967, w/ custom chassis,1967 Corvette running gear, steering & brakes. Corvair front suspension, All steel body in excellent condition last painted in 1976 w/ old school murals . Magazine car feature in June 76 Rod action and pictured in other more modern ones. It also comes w/ a top and side curtains.
1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action A411

1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action A211

1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action A111

1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action A710

1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action A610

1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action A311

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action Empty Re: 1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action

Message  Predicta Sam 30 Mar - 21:10

1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action A910

1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action A810

1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action A711

1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action A1110

1929 Ford Model A Roadster - built in 1967, murals painted in 1976 - june 1976 rod action A1010

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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