Traditional Kustom Hot Rod and Vintage Culture and design
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PNY – Carte graphique – GeForce™ RTX 4080 SUPER 16Go
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PNY – Carte graphique – GeForce™ RTX 4080 SUPER 16Go
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1936 Ford Roadster - Jeff Romig - Hollywood Hot Rods

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1936 Ford Roadster - Jeff Romig - Hollywood Hot Rods Empty 1936 Ford Roadster - Jeff Romig - Hollywood Hot Rods

Message  Predicta Dim 18 Fév - 8:38

The Long Beach Legend from Hollywood Hot Rods gets its name—and concept—from the old Ford plant in Long Beach, California, where both Fords and Lincolns were built. Plant employees might have shared ideas about blending Lincoln Zephyr design with Ford roadster bodies. That idea has become reality with Jeff Romig’s Porsche Stone Grey roadster, designed by Eric Black. Dimensions have been modified to improve proportions, and it rolls on a custom suspension. The Lincoln V-12 Flathead is topped with triple Stromberg 97s. The interior includes a 1937 Zephyr dash with custom wood grain and a 1939 Zephyr steering wheel—plus beautiful leather upholstery

1936 Ford Roadster - Jeff Romig - Hollywood Hot Rods 12698510

1936 Ford Roadster - Jeff Romig - Hollywood Hot Rods 12694910

1936 Ford Roadster - Jeff Romig - Hollywood Hot Rods 12694610

1936 Ford Roadster - Jeff Romig - Hollywood Hot Rods 12697310

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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