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1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak

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1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak Empty 1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak

Message  Predicta Sam 21 Oct - 17:14

En ce moment sur ebay cette Corvette customisée dans les 1970s
1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak 116
1969 Custom big block Corvette, non numbers matching 427/4sp, built for the 1976 bicentennial, full one off Custom body, tilt front end, t-tops, we believe it did have a custom blue metalflake paint job before this one. Original big and little Cragar 5 spokes and perfect condition Mickey Thompson Indy profile tires, factory black interior. A full feature was just done on this survivor for Traditional Rod and Kulture magazine, California title. True 70s style Street Freak that's a blast to drive.

1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak 117

1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak 215

1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak 315

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak Empty Re: 1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak

Message  Predicta Sam 21 Oct - 17:23

1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak 514

1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak 414

1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak 713

1969 Custom Corvette 427/4sp Survivor Street Freak 613

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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