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Cherry Rat & Os Gatunos

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Cherry Rat & Os Gatunos  Empty Cherry Rat & Os Gatunos

Message  Dj Eddie-Cesc Jeu 23 Juil - 17:57

Formed in 2010, Cherry Rat & Os Gatunos was created by Cherry Rat (vocais) and Lex Tats (slap bass), at the first experience of both at Rockabilly scene. The band members are Cherry Rat (vocals), Lex Tats (bass), Joe Marshall (guitar) and Pigmew (drums), after three years of existence has just release their first album, called "Bop to the Hell" in 2014.

The band played at the most important stages in Brazil, like Two Wheels Brazil, Timbre Festival, Rio Custom Festival, Big River Festival.......

Cherry Rat & Os Gatunos brings the influences of each member in order to complete unanimously all the songs, with a hint of the experience of that member with your other bands. Currently, the band prepares your new videoclip and playing around Brazil your new album.

Cherry Rat & Os Gatunos  016f7a12

Influences: Janis Martin, Marti Brom, Wanda Jackson, Etta James, Brenda Lee, Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochran, Gene Vincent, Kitty, Daisy & Lewis, Kim Lenz, The Rhythm Shakers, Rusty and the Dragstrip, King Louie Combo, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, and others...........

Cherry Rat & Os Gatunos  016f7a13


Dj EddieCesc

Dj Eddie-Cesc

Messages : 574
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2015

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