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1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen

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1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Empty 1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen

Message  Predicta Dim 29 Mar - 9:00

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen 10606010

European custom Dodge Coupe.Fully rebuilt and customized over six years,drives great.
Body mods:
-1937 LaSalle grille
-1941 Chevy headlights
-filled hoodsides
-chopped 3",rounded door upper corners,new glass
-shaved,nosed,decked.Doors solenoid,trunk manual
-Mipa acrylic black,clearcoat
-2 inch tuck&roll naugahyde interior,black/silver thread Trinidad carpet,Pearlcraft -48 Dodge steering wheel,-48 Stewart Warner Hollywood gauge panel & wings gauges
-SBC350 290hp block/350 TH trans,Ford 8" rear,four link
-Fatman MustangII front
-Static drop/coilovers all four corners
-15 inch rims,GoodYear Super Cushion wide whites,-48 Lincoln hubcaps.
-Magazine cover car,selected to custom car line up(A-Bombers,Sweden 2014)

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen 10615510

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Amerik10

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Bwcust10

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Bwcust11

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Circle10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Empty Re: 1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen

Message  Predicta Dim 29 Mar - 9:00

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Img_7510

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Img_7511

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Img_7512

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Img_7513

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Img_7514

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Img_7515

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Empty Re: 1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen

Message  Predicta Dim 29 Mar - 9:00

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Img_7516

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Img_7517

1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Lineup10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen Empty Re: 1936 Dodge coupe custom - Miikka Salminen

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