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1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa

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1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa Empty 1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa

Message  Predicta Sam 28 Mar - 21:38

1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa Kgrhqj44
Bodywork by: Frank DeRosa Sr. & Jr.;

Modified 1946 Chevy Grille and splash pan
1954 Buick headlight bezels
Shaved hood, cowl vent, doors, drip rails and trunk
Fender extension molded to doors
Rounded doors and trunk lid
Chopped top
Rear Fenders molded to body
Tunneled 1950 Ford taillights
Molded rear splash pan

1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa Kgrhqv43

1947 Oldsmobile Dash
Vintage Air, A/C and Heat
Column, IDIDIT
1964 T Bird Bucket Seats
63 Chevy Impala Console
Painless Wiring Harness

1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa Kgrhqz39

Painted by: Tony Parker, Crown Works Garage
House of Color, Candy Brandy Wine with a Pearl Lime Green Base Coat

1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa Kgrhqz40


Front-end is a Mustang II with a sway-bar
Rear-end is Ford 9” with a 4 link and air bags

1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa Kgrhqz41


1971 Chevy 350
BUILDER: Hubbard Machine
EXHAUST: Headers, Glass packs with Dual Side Pipes

1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa T2ec1258

Chevy, 350

Wheels, Tires, and Brakes:

FRONT, 15” Steel rims with Modified Buick Fiesta Hub Caps, Disc Brakes
REAR, 15” Steel rims with Modified Buick Fiesta Hub Caps, Drum Brakes

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa Empty Re: 1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa

Message  Predicta Sam 28 Mar - 21:38

1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa T2ec1259

1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa T2ec1260

1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa T2ec1261

1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa T2ec1262

1947 Chevrolet Coupe - Frank DeRosa T2ec1263

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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