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Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia

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Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia Empty Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia

Message  Predicta Jeu 23 Mai - 6:02

Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia Img_5-10

Šebo Lichý architects
Bratislava, Slovakia
Architects in Charge
Tomáš Šebo, Igor Lichý
202.0 sqm
Project Year

Design Team
Katarína Uhnáková, Štefan Onofrej, Martina Matušová- interior design

Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia Img_6-10
Text description provided by the architects. Steep terrain with three robust chestnut trees, which owners decided to preserve. This is how the property on which a unique family house was to be built looked at the beginning. Architects from Šebo Lichýˈs atelier took the challenge and designed a genuine construction inspired by famous Tugendhat villa.
Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia Portad10
The front part of the house is levitating on dynamic pillars and provides amazing panoramic views of the surrounding area. The back part of the house is plunging into the rising hill and is composed of several levels. When entering the house you find yourself in the middle floor, which is spacious and completely barrier free thanks to the extended part on the pillars. This floor belongs to parents with their bedroom, bathroom and workroom. There is also living room and kitchen, visually separated with the fireplace. Huge windows can be open to enable ventilation of the space. The floor above the children rooms with their own bathrooms and patios are situated. The floor below there is a basement with laundry room and home gym. A genuine invention represents the shaft for laundry, which delivers the clothes from discreet cover on the corridor right to the basement.

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia Empty Re: Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia

Message  Predicta Jeu 23 Mai - 6:03

Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia B25ac210
From that floor you get to the outdoor terrace with grill, sheltered with the extended floor on the pillars from above. Contact with nature in this realization is achieved in several ways. Family can enjoy barbecue on the large sheltered terrace, sun on the patios, which has almost every room or an amazing panoramic view in the living room. Right there the glassy walls provide stunning views, which vary as if it was a live painting following change of the weather, the seasons, the day and the night. Tightly close growing chestnuts creates the feeling of living among trees.
Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia 61118110

At the lowest level there is a garage, connected with the house through the passage. The garage is cleverly hidden under the green grassy roof so you don’t even notice it when you look at the garden. The house is built in a nice quiet area near to the city centre. Unusual family villa takes full advantage of the steep terrain in the best possible way. Connection with nature is almost tangible there and undoubtedly improves the quality of life in the city.
Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia 04_hou10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia Empty Re: Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia

Message  Predicta Jeu 23 Mai - 6:04

Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia 02_hou10

Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia 05_hou10

Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia House-10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia Empty Re: Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia

Message  Predicta Jeu 23 Mai - 6:05

Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia 02_hou11

Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia 06_hou10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia Empty Re: Šebo Lichý Architects, House Among the Trees, Bratislava, Slovakia

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