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1929 Ford Model A Pickup - Mickey’s Mouse - Mickey Himsl

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1929 Ford Model A Pickup - Mickey’s Mouse -  Mickey Himsl Empty 1929 Ford Model A Pickup - Mickey’s Mouse - Mickey Himsl

Message  Predicta Dim 18 Fév - 8:34

Noted Northern California hot rodders Mickey and Art Himsl built and painted this truck in 1958 when Mickey was 14. It was at the Oakland Roadster Show in 1962 (where it was photographed by Rod & Custom), then sold. Mickey found the pickup it and bought it back in 2008, with Art’s paint job still intact. East Bay Speed & Custom handled the truck’s show car quality restoration. Art painted his brother’s truck again, just as he’d done almost 60 years ago. A Weiand intake and two Strombergs feed the Offenhauser Flathead, which is tied to a 1939 Ford transmission. Making its second Grand National Roadster Show appearance, “Mickey’s Mouse” is as cool as ever.

1929 Ford Model A Pickup - Mickey’s Mouse -  Mickey Himsl 12633510

1929 Ford Model A Pickup - Mickey’s Mouse -  Mickey Himsl 11057410

1929 Ford Model A Pickup - Mickey’s Mouse -  Mickey Himsl 12633410

1929 Ford Model A Pickup - Mickey’s Mouse -  Mickey Himsl 12698410

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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