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State Theatre - San Diego - Californie - USA

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State Theatre - San Diego - Californie - USA Empty State Theatre - San Diego - Californie - USA

Message  Predicta Mar 17 Oct - 8:42

State Theatre - San Diego - Californie - USA Large11
Built for and operated by Fox West Coast Theatres, the State Theatre opened on August 28, 1940. The State Theatre had beautiful murals adorning this sumptuous theater’s walls, decorated by M. Chavalas, they were illuminated by ‘black light’. All seating was on a single level. Its exterior featured a 100 foot tall tower with with circular discs illuminated by neon tubing.
State Theatre - San Diego - Californie - USA Brochu10
Built for and operated by Fox West Coast Theatres, the State Theatre opened on August 28, 1940 with Ronald Colman and Ginger Rogers in “Lucky Partners”. The State Theatre had beautiful murals adorning this sumptuous theatre’s auditorium walls, decorated by M. Chavalas, they were illuminated by ‘black light’. All seating was on a single level. Its exterior featured a 100 foot tall tower with with circular discs illuminated by neon tubing.
First operated by Fox West Coast Theatres, it was later taken over by Mann Theatres who closed the State Theatre in December 1979. In October 1980 it was taken over by an independent operator and began screening Asian movies having been renamed Trieu Thanh Theatre.

State Theatre - San Diego - Californie - USA State-10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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