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Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

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Jerry Yankee
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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Mar 4 Déc - 8:47

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Kgrhqj41

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Kgrhqj42

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Kgrhqj43

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Kgrhqj44

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Kgrhqm25

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Kgrhqn40

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Mar 4 Déc - 8:48

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Kgrhqr37

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Kgrhqu23

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Kgrhqy28

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Kgrhqz45

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty 1952 Chevy Sedan - Jade Rival

Message  Predicta Lun 17 Déc - 14:05

Of all the ways to start a project, finishing what someone else started usually ranks about the worst. But the siren's call of another's idea is as irresistible as a stray puppy to a little boy.

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Rodp_110

Big-hearted souls inquired about buying and finishing the sectioned Chevy sedan perched atop the spray booth at a Coquitlam, British Columbia, shop. And for 26 years the answer remained the same: No. No, they wouldn't sell the project born as a means for an old hand to pass his torch to the next generation.

The answer should've been the same the day John Foxley asked about it. But the booth's sagging roof and recently discovered cracks indicated that the abandoned project, the metaphorical elephant in the living room, threatened to crush the chamber like a fat kid on a Big Wheel. It had to go. And here was that little boy, starry-eyed for the dog they no longer wanted.

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Like a puppy with Parvo, John's newfound pal revealed itself as far from perfect upon delivery. Perched 10 feet aloft, the body looked one way, but the perspective his garage floor offered gave John pause to reflect. "It was sectioned really heavy," he recalls. "And it looked really odd." If there was a silver lining to this rapidly darkening cloud, it was the car's chassis and floors-specifically the lack of them-that gave John an opportunity to fib to himself. "It was basically a full-sized model car body," John reasons.

More self-fibbing followed. "I got this idea from a guy who had a sedan delivery to do a floorpan swap," John says. Measurements indicated that G-body GM cars had a narrower and more desirable track width. Never mind that the G-body's wheelbase is a 1/2 foot shorter; John bought a minty '78 Malibu wagon anyway.

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Mom warned that two wrongs don't make a right, but John actually had a plan: "To chop the top the way I wanted, I'd have to lengthen it by 6 inches," he says, referencing how the top's trapezoidal shape influences its finished shape. But rather than making the chassis and top fit the body, he took advantage of the chassis' shorter length and removed a 6-inch vertical band just behind the doors to make the body fit the top and frame. "It went really easy," John admits.

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But that was just the start. John then cut the rear window frame from the top, lowered the A-pillars 4 3/4 inches, and let the back of the top fall inside the body when he set it back on. With the A-pillars tacked, he jacked the roof up and down until the profile looked right, which in his estimation happened about 6 or so inches lower than the original top height. "When I cut off the roof I'd left about a 1/2 inch above the beltline, so when I liked the way the roof looked I just welded that lip up and cut off all the roof skin that hung down below that line," he explains. Naturally, the back window frame went up into the roof 6 or so inches higher.

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"A lot of people lengthen the roof, which is a big undertaking. But it was a fluke the way it all worked out; I'd never done one before but I was looking to minimize whatever work that I could." The gods smiled that day.

Dernière édition par Predicta le Lun 17 Déc - 14:09, édité 1 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Message  Predicta Lun 17 Déc - 14:08

John then addressed the donor chassis. After chopping the Malibu body to the rockers, he established the chassis' ride-height potential with a set of air springs and S-10 dropped spindles. "Once I got it down, I started hacking the Malibu and the '52 until I could make the two cars fit together", he says. "Then one day, my in-laws (mother-, father-, and brother-in-law) came over and the four of us lifted that body and dropped it on the chassis," John recalls. "It sat cockeyed at first, but from that point I could jack it up, trim it, and try it out.

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"With the '52 body over the new chassis you could still see the bottom edge of the Malibu rockers," he admitts. He ended up extending the '52 rockers. With the chassis laid out, he positioned 1x3 tubing horizontally where he wanted the rockers' lowest edges, which happened to be an inch or so above deck. He trimmed away the existing rockers about a 1/2 inch below the doorsill, had some sheet bent, and used it to span the gap between the trimmed rocker edge and the tubing. "At the front wheelwell the rockers are about 1 1/2 inches lower than stock, and at the rear wheelwell they're about 2 1/2 inches lower," John says. What's more, the tubing is actually the lower edge of the rockers, and orienting the tubing sideways meant John was able to tie them into the Malibu's inner rockers. "The wheelwells on those cars are really square and boring," John says. So he cut each wheel opening from its quarter, narrowed it 1 1/2 inches, and sliced and spread its rear corner. "Now the back of the wheelwell matches the B-pillars," John says. "It gives them a bit more of a forward motion." He then reattached the openings a tick more than 2 inches lower than stock so their leading edges aligned with the dropped rockers.

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Rodp_116

The bubble in a stock '52 quarter ends about 1 inch above the stock rocker, which amounts to more than 3 inches higher than the lowered rockers. In this particular body's case, the extreme sectioning made bullets of the bubbles' leading edges. "Well, I wanted them to sit flush with the bottom of the rockers, so I sliced the whole shape apart and put it back together with a rounder curve," John says. Now the quarters' softer bubble shapes end at the base of the rockers right in front of the wheelwells. "The rear bumper was ridiculously too high, so I moved it and the quarters 3 inches down," John says. What's more, he narrowed and flipped the bumper. "The gravel pan has an interesting shape but it usually goes below the upper edge of the bumper," John notes. "So I trimmed it down and welded it to the top of the bumper. I didn't want it to look extremely molded, so I welded some round rod around the edge of the pan where it overlaps the bumper." Finally, he welded the bumper and pan assembly to the body, thereby restoring the strength lost by trimming the body's stock inner structure.

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The prior owner may have sectioned the car 6 inches, but the amount John put back into the rockers meant he needed to section the front fenders only 4 inches, which he did above the wheel arches. He left the hood stock, theorizing, "This car is so radical in so many ways that it doesn't need a sectioned hood." He did, however, shave its seam and weld the nose trim to it. He gave the front bumper the same treatment as the rear, only he made the gravel pan. Trimming the grille surround let the parking lights sit directly on that pan.

The grille bar is anything but conventional: it's a camshaft from a 425-horse 60-series Detroit diesel that John split and bent to match the grille shape. "I have a theory that every car has to have a hook, something that sucks people into it, something that's kind of controversial without being too annoying," he surmises. "I got a lot of support and really positive feedback from a lot of people on the HAMB, but not everyone was happy with the grille insert. But there were 10 pages of people talking about it, so I thought, 'I think I got it right.'" But more on that later.

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About the time John was sorting out the last details of the body, Ken Ransford and Frank Bevacqua were sorting the details for Top Ten Hotrods & Customs to host one of Gene Winfield's metalworking workshops. "So I asked Bevacqua if Winfield would paint my car while he was here," John says, acknowledging the idea as a long shot. "Well, he agrees to stay another day and shoot it," he says, still pondering the improbability. "My car wasn't even close to paint," he admits. "I had six weeks to get the car from basically a few spots of filler to completely done, primed, and prepped for that kind of paintjob. I do bodywork on my own cars, but I've never done anything that extensive." But after a sky-high quote and after having a few offers fall through, that's exactly what he did. "I ended up taking a full week off of work and actually got it done right here in our basement."

The rest can only be described as a whirlwind. A Sikkens rep and friend of Bevacqua's offered a booth at the Sikkens training center, which turned into a 16-hour marathon custom-paint tutorial. "They were totally behind us 100 percent," John says. "And since it's a training booth it has glass all the way around so students can see what you're doing-which was good so people could see Winfield do the process of a blend job."

Though John said he intended to unveil the car in late February at the Abbotsford World of Wheels, an offer to debut the car at the 61st Grand National Roadster Show alongside Winfield's newly restored shop truck only invigorated his sense of urgency. "My wife [Jennifer] said, 'You know, you're probably never going to get another opportunity to do something cool like that again, so just do it.'"

With only two weeks on the clock, John scrambled, improvising an interior along the way. Ken Ransford offered his car trailer, John's brother-in-law loaned him his truck, and without even a passenger to keep him company, John embarked upon a 1,400-mile journey. "I just put a message on my phone saying I wasn't available for a week and a half, which made a lot of people mad. But oh well, life goes on."

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And it paid off. Remember the thing about the camshaft for a grille? "Well, we ended up winning the Kustom D'Elegance Award," John says. "It was funny because people would always say 'Barris would never put anything in a car like that.' Well, we get this award and George starts talking about the car. He says, 'The coolest thing about that car was that it has a camshaft for a grille,'" John says. "Oh that's so cool-that's the thing that he remembers about the car. I was so flattered. Right or wrong, it's just one of those things that makes people talk about the car. I wouldn't have ever dreamed of that happening," John concludes. "Here I am a Canadian guy building a car in a basement out of stuff that I had lying around. I couldn't have hoped to do any better with it-it's not a perfect car; it's just a homebuilt thing. But it all came together. And at the last minute I go there and end up winning that award. It was a Cinderella story you might say."

Yeah, after the way it started, we might just say that.

Article original:

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Mer 23 Jan - 21:23

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Ap115010

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Ap115011

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Ap116010

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Ven 25 Jan - 18:44

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 84124815

Dernière édition par Predicta le Lun 25 Mar - 22:31, édité 1 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Ven 25 Jan - 18:47

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 84135815

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 84136011

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Ven 15 Fév - 21:59

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 57454710

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 53808910

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Jeu 21 Fév - 22:32

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Hoff-010

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Jerry Yankee Jeu 14 Mar - 12:34

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 7168561043_0fefba3f37_c

Rockabilly Rulzzzz !!
Jerry Yankee
Jerry Yankee

Messages : 1246
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012
Age : 31
Localisation : 94,ile-de-françe

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Isabelle Jeu 14 Mar - 12:41

[quote="Predicta"] Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 84124815

MIAM :love:

Messages : 89
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2013
Localisation : Bayonne

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty TOTALLY CUSTOM 50 CHEVY BUSINESS COUPE!!!!!!!!

Message  Predicta Mer 20 Mar - 16:01

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 31d3ea10

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 D1dc3c10

This is a one of a kind show car. Its chopped sectioned,channeled, decked and rounded, with the body line changed, custom sunroofs , split back window Quad headlights, custom Cadillac grill, full tuck and roll interior, custom dash and steering wheel, working portholes , manifold side , custom rear, radial white walls with moon hubcaps.Original 216 straight 6 cylinder ,balanced engine with matching numbers , three on the tree manual transmission,full travel new suspension, 411 rear end ,new stock shoe brakes,all new wiring loom,Gangsta white wall radial tires. 65 Impala tail lights Gene Winfield fade away paint job. Multiple award winner, Sacramento Autorama Custom D Elegance Achievement Award 2010. To many other accolades to mention. YOU MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE THIS HAND BUILT WORK OF ART.... Well over a 120k invested in time and Love !!!!! This is an absolute bargin at $25,999.00
 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 C93e2f10

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Dernière édition par Predicta le Jeu 30 Jan - 18:08, édité 1 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Mer 20 Mar - 16:05

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We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Mer 20 Mar - 16:47

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We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Lun 25 Mar - 22:19

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 25092410

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 25092510

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Lun 25 Mar - 22:23

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Hay03710

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Hay03810

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Lun 25 Mar - 22:24

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Hal02010

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Hal02310

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Lun 25 Mar - 22:26

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Lead_s10

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Lead_s11

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Lun 25 Mar - 22:27

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Carniv10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Lun 25 Mar - 22:29

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 All18710

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 All18810

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Lun 25 Mar - 22:31

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 84124816

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 84125010

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty 1952 Chevy Styline Chopped Injected LS Motor

Message  Predicta Jeu 4 Avr - 9:52

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1841
This is a professionally built hot rod. It's not a back yard creation. The roof was chopped by the best in the industry, Jake Wreesman, who also built the entire body for the 2010 AMBR winner. You can see it's been done flawlessly. The motor swap was done correctly with all of the electronics working perfectly. The motor swap and drive line work is less than a year old, completed August 2012, with no ''bugs'' to iron out.
You will not find a nicer chop on a Chevy. This car fires right up like a new Silverado, and hauls butt. Its extremely reliable, doesn't leak a drop, and spins the tires with ease.

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1842

-IFS with Heidts Tubular control arms and Coil Overs

-CPP Drop Spindles

-4 wheel disc brakes

-10 bolt Posi 3.08

-Walton Brake Pedal set up

-CPP Power Master cylinder

-Wilwood Prop Valve

-Power Steering

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1843


-5.3 Iron Block LS (LM7)

-Painless Wiring stand alone ECU and Harness

-Griffin Radiator, trans cooler, 3000 CFM Electric Fan

-Rebuilt injectors, new water pump, crank sensor, cam sensor, temp sensor

-TCI flex plate

-TH350 Built by CRC Trans, 2500 stall

-New Driveshaft and u-joints, built by Coast Driveline

-2.5” Dual Exhaust

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1844


-Chopped 4” in front and 4 ½” in the rear

-No body filler, roof was completely metal finished, see pictures

-Sprayed in Dupont Black Sealer

-All Glass all the way around, NO LEXAN!

-New seals, rubbers, door felts, and window regulators

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1845


-Brand New carpet from ACC

-All seat upholstery new except driver side upper

-Stainless Speedway Column, Lokar Shifter

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1846

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Jeu 4 Avr - 9:54

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1847

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1848

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1849

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1850

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1851

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1852

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 T2ec1853

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Jeu 4 Avr - 9:56

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 13018010

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 Empty Re: Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie

Message  Predicta Jeu 4 Avr - 9:57

 Chevy 1949 - 1952 customs & mild customs galerie - Page 2 52530410

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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