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1956 Fiat Multipla 'Marinella'

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1956 Fiat Multipla 'Marinella' Empty 1956 Fiat Multipla 'Marinella'

Message  Predicta Sam 30 Mai - 16:58

The 1956 Fiat Multipla 'Marinella'. Designed by Italian coachworks Fissore the open-top Marinella was meant to be a leisure vehicle intended for the beaches of Europe. The car sports a wooden slat rear wrap-around bench, perfect for wet passengers just in from an ocean dip. Only a few of the Marinella's were built.
1956 Fiat Multipla 'Marinella' 11150410

1956 Fiat Multipla 'Marinella' 11224811

1956 Fiat Multipla 'Marinella' 11391410

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Fiat Multipla 'Marinella' Empty Re: 1956 Fiat Multipla 'Marinella'

Message  The Red Baron Sam 30 Mai - 17:13

Très sympa, ça!
En plus, on doit pouvoir mettre un V8 traction avant d'Oldsmobile Toronado, avec les collecteurs échappement 4/1 chromés qui partent vers l'arrière, voir zoomies!!!!! What a Face What a Face Twisted Evil
Non! je divague, là! tongue

Rien ne vaut le son du V8 le soir au coin du bois.
The Red Baron
The Red Baron

Messages : 741
Date d'inscription : 01/07/2014
Age : 55
Localisation : Bordeaux

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