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AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe

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AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe Empty AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe

Message  chromecop Mer 20 Mai - 23:22

I just love to save old junk. Take a look at this first picture, it shows the start of this build:

AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe 002

I cut of the whole greenhouse and replaced it with parts from an MPC-kit which then was chopped:

AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe 003
AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe 005

And this is the result:

AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe Olles1
AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe 087
AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe Cid__mms_img1530559079_


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 10/09/2014

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AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe Empty Re: AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe

Message  Predicta Jeu 21 Mai - 5:18

Very cool hot rod Very Happy

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe Empty Re: AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe

Message  The Red Baron Jeu 21 Mai - 11:39


Rien ne vaut le son du V8 le soir au coin du bois.
The Red Baron
The Red Baron

Messages : 741
Date d'inscription : 01/07/2014
Age : 56
Localisation : Bordeaux

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AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe Empty Re: AMT/MPC 1932 Ford 5w coupe

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