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Rebel Cats

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Rebel Cats Empty Rebel Cats

Message  Noisette Mar 28 Avr - 14:43

The Rebel Cats is a rockabilly band, one of the subgenres of rock and roll originated in the 50s. The band consists of Vincent Van Rock (guitar, armónica, vocals), Vince (vocals and drums), Chucho Tormeta (Keyboards) and Lalobilly (bass and vocals). The group formed in Mexico City in 2005. So far, with five productions, with his latest album Rebel Cats & His Friends.

The particular style of the group has led them to win a solid fan base, and because of its steady progress, have had the opportunity to participate in the Vive Latino festival twice, most recently in the 2012 edition.
His influences recognized artists as Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Ritchie Valens, Paul Anka, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Roy Orbison, Cliff Richard, Carl Perkins, Buddy Holly, Wanda Jackson and Ricky Nelson are among others.

The Rebel Cats is a mixture of youth and experience.


Messages : 1155
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2013

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