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1930s Harris steam-powered split-window prototype.

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1930s Harris steam-powered split-window prototype. Empty 1930s Harris steam-powered split-window prototype.

Message  Predicta Lun 5 Jan - 22:08

1930s Harris steam-powered split-window prototype. 15315510

1930s Harris steam-powered split-window prototype.
"Now here's just the thing to mix up with a heated-up Flattie, or better yet, a Rajo Model T powerplant, which would be perfectly authentic for the vintage. Oh sure, purists will argue that this artifact, which apparently started life as the Harris Steam Car carrying a Stanley Steamer power unit, should be returned to its original state. Good luck figuring out exactly what that was.
With a deft enough touch, you could pay homage to the 1930s craftsmanship in this vehicle without ruining it. Either way, if you're determined enough to buy this obviously Stout Scarab inspired vehicle for $8,500 or more, it will be yours to do whatever you choose, critics be damned. Going all Travels With Charley with this thing, especially towing a homebuilt teardrop trailer, would be a fantastic summer diversion, and if you did go all external-combustion-engine on it, you'd always have a fire to sit around at night."

1930s Harris steam-powered split-window prototype. 10372310

"I just bought this monstrositity of a vehicle. Appears to have been in Michigan all of its life. Built on a circa 1930 Packard car chassis. Steam engine added in the 1940s. May have been a worlds fair show car,a non running prototype,or had a Packard 8 with its expermential front wheel drive assembly reversed. Almost certainly built in a factory. Steel body.Any photos/leads appreciated! Yes I know its ugly!"

1930s Harris steam-powered split-window prototype. 10390910

1930s Harris steam-powered split-window prototype. 10407410

1930s Harris steam-powered split-window prototype. 10411911

1930s Harris steam-powered split-window prototype. 10415710

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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