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Miniature Bucket T Street Rod Rat Rod 1927

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Miniature Bucket T Street Rod Rat Rod 1927 Empty Miniature Bucket T Street Rod Rat Rod 1927

Message  Predicta Ven 10 Oct - 8:11

Je ne savais pas trop ou le mettre mais super sympas Very Happy
Miniature Bucket T Street Rod Rat Rod 1927 _57274
This is a home made 3/4 size replica of a bucket T. It has NO TITLE & NO VIN. #, it is NOT a STREET LEGAL vehicle. It runs a 3.5 hp lawn mower engine & a lawn tractor transaxle. It has a car battery inside of the wooden engine to run lights & a radio. The wiring is not completed. I used an altenator as an idler pulley to keep things charged up. An electric start could probably be added. It is about 4' wide x 8' long. The 3.5 engine take a little effort to start, when it is cold or has set for more than a week, when it is warmed up it starts easily & runs well. The engine is a little under powered for this,but, it does move the car around okay,just not very fast. You may want to install a larger engine. I am not a professional welder, so, some of the welds look nice, some look not so nice, but I believe all are strong. The bucket is an old wheelbarrow that I split down the middle & added about 10" of sheet metal to. It is rat rod style, spray can painted. The wheels were sanded & painted silver. The rear tires are not a set, one is a new 235-60-14 & one is a 1/2 tread 245-60-14, but, they are the same brand & very close in height. The windshield frame is conduit that I bent & ground a groove in with a grinder, when installing the plexiglas, it got some scratches in it. All the gauges are not hooked up, they are just for show. The pedals are just for show too. The e- brake handle is connected to the transaxle & works. The gearshifter is connected to the transaxle & works the hydrostatic drive
Miniature Bucket T Street Rod Rat Rod 1927 Fdgdfg20

Miniature Bucket T Street Rod Rat Rod 1927 Hthrth10

Miniature Bucket T Street Rod Rat Rod 1927 Thhrh10

Miniature Bucket T Street Rod Rat Rod 1927 Tryrt11

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Miniature Bucket T Street Rod Rat Rod 1927 Empty Re: Miniature Bucket T Street Rod Rat Rod 1927

Message  ChevyDave Ven 10 Oct - 8:32

Génial! J'ai une brouette qui sert à rien, faut que je regarde si je peut pas en faire autant ...  Miniature Bucket T Street Rod Rat Rod 1927 3703615644

Messages : 3899
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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