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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Sep - 22:08

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi10
1956 Ford hardtop restyled by Bill Cushenbery of Cushenberry Custom Shop for Gene Boucher of Monterey, California. Bill built the car, known as the Marquis, after he had moved his business from Wichita, Kansas to Monterey, California, and after he had completed the well known El Matador. With the Marquis Bill wanted to achieve a touch of asymmetrical styling by placing a raised peak down the right side of the hood. Bill was a fan of occasional offset touches like this, but felt that it had to be applied with subtlety and discretion. He felt that it was best confined to really bold customs, such as the Marquis, or reserved for completely new designs where it could be integrated into the overall theme. Bill meant that applying an asymmetrical feature without regard for a car's basic styling could lead to aesthetic disaster. The sculpturing along sides and at rear was all Bill's own design, and a popular custom trend of its time.[2] The grille cavity housed horizontally mounted, chromed flat grille bars with a backing made out of chromed mesh. The quad headlights were frenched and fit with Lucas headlights and bullet-like bumpers canted inward from the reworked fenders. The body was sectioned 6-inches, and the rear end was modified to accept 1959 Buick fender fins and a huge grille incorporating canted 1959 Pontiac taillights. Four rows of chromed tubing filled the sculptured rear grille area. The Buick fenders were incorporated into the original fenders' faired tips. V's were flared into the top of the fender tips, and the rear fender wells were opened and radiuses. Power was supplied by a Thunderbird engine. A Naugahyde upholstery, including a padded and upholstered roof, was made by Manger. Candy gold paint was applied by Don Mathews of Monterey.[3]

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi11
The build took two and a half year to complete, and the Marquis made its debut in 1962. January 6, 1962 it was shown at the San Mateo Autorama. Later on the same year, the Marquis was featured on the cover of Car Craft June 1962, one of several magazine appearances for the car. Gene owned the car until he passed away. As with many other 1960s customs the Marquis fell into disrepair. It changed hands several times, and it was briefly owned by noted customizer Gary Minor, who saved it from oblivion, before it eventually ended up with Bud Millard of Milbrae, California.[4] Bud had Jerry Sahagon restore the car for him. Jerry started the restoration, but it was later moved on to John Aiello of Lucky 7 Customs in Antioch and Jose Heredia for finishing. During the restoration Cushenbery's original design was altered as a new and modernized interior was made for the car featuring modernized equipment such as digital gauges, a modern tilt steering column and a modern steering wheel. The upholstery work was performed by Jerry Sahagon. The rear wheel openings were also reshaped and rounded out the way Cushenbery originally intended to have them. As the car was rushed to completion, Cushenbery had to drop this design when the car was first built. The restored version of the car was painted by Bill Reasoner.The restoration of the Marquis was completed in 2000. After the restoration the car has been shown at different museum and collections such as the Petersen Museum, Harrah's Museum in Reno and at the California Auto Museum in Sacramento.
1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi12

Magazine Features

Rod & Custom April 1962
Hot Rod Magazine May 1962
Car Craft June 1962
Popular Customs Spring 1963
Car Craft February 1963
Popular Customs January 1966
Classic & Customs july 1983
Custom Rodder March 1998
1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi13

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi14

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi15

Dernière édition par Predicta le Mer 7 Aoû - 15:55, édité 3 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Sep - 22:10

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi16

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi17

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi18

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi19

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi20

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi21

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Sep - 22:11

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi22

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi23

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi24

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi25

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi26

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi27

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Sep - 22:13

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi28

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi29

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi30

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi31

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi32

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi33

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Sep - 22:18

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi34

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi35

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi36

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi37

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi38

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Bud-mi39

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Sep - 22:31

C'est pour Gene Boucher que Bill Cushenbery va entièrement redesigner cette Ford 1956.

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Gene-b11

La Ford est tellement modifier au niveau des lignes qu'elle est avec son esthétique osée une véritable sculpture roulante, aux lignes jouant sur la surprise et des jeux de courbes et contre courbes.

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 0dsc_610
En Effet la face avant de la Ford plutôt classique laisse la place à 6 cylindres  se plaçant par 3 de chaque côté de la calandre contenant 4 phares et deux pointes chromées rappelant des cornes servant de pare chocs autour d'une calandre de barres horizontales chromées.

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 128
C'est dans le même esprit que la face arrière à été complètement repensée, en intégrant des ailerons en forme d'ailes de rapaces empruntées à une Buick 1960 et surmontant des barres chromées horizontales avec au centre la plaque minéralogique.

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 225

Le profil est également entièrement revu afin évidemment de faire correspondre l’extravagance des faces avant et arrières avec harmonie avec l'aide d'une moulure rappelant celle des corvettes de la fin des 1950's

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 321

Les pare chocs avant et arrières disparaissent au profit des roll pan cela dans le but de mettre en évidence les courbes formées par les faces avant et arrière.

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 55233510

L’intérieur joue avec le tuck n'roll blanc et le tissus proche de la teinte or rappelant la teinte de la carrosserie

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Db_dro10

Au niveau des détails amusant la fin des ailerons arrières en une forme en "V" totalement dans l'esthétique SF de l'époque.

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Db_dro11

L'élément esthétique le plus osé est probablement la moulure qui traverse la capot pour se terminer au dessus de la "bouche" contenant la calandre qui n'est pas au centre mais nettement décentré donne une esthétique asymétrique des plus réussie.

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Gene-b12

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery P5688410

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Sep - 22:35

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Sep - 22:44

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Sep - 22:46

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Sep - 22:47

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 88-vi10

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 91-vi10

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Aut_1610

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Hot-ro13

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery P1300114

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery P3260710

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Sam 27 Sep - 22:49

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Pa210111

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Pa210112

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Pauls-10

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Pauls-11

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Pc290010

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery - Petersen Archives

Message  Predicta Mer 7 Aoû - 15:51

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 83714010

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 83714110

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 83714510

Dernière édition par Predicta le Mer 7 Aoû - 15:55, édité 1 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Mer 7 Aoû - 15:52

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 83714710

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 83714910

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 83715110

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

Message  Predicta Mer 7 Aoû - 16:05

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 83715210

1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery 83715310

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher -  Bill Cushenbery Empty Re: 1956 Ford - The Marquis - Gene Boucher - Bill Cushenbery

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