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The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame" 1959 - Bateau de croisière design

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The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Empty The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame" 1959 - Bateau de croisière design

Message  Predicta Lun 30 Juin - 6:14

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam, known as “The Grande Dame" sailed from 1959 and is now preserved as a hotel/museum/tourist attraction and permanently docked in Rotterdam, Netherlands
The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t10

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t11

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t12

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t13

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t14

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t15

Dernière édition par Predicta le Lun 30 Juin - 6:41, édité 1 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Empty Re: The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame" 1959 - Bateau de croisière design

Message  Predicta Lun 30 Juin - 6:17

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t16

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t17

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t18

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t19

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t20

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t21

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Empty Re: The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame" 1959 - Bateau de croisière design

Message  Predicta Lun 30 Juin - 6:19

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t22

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t23

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t24

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t25

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t26

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t27

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Empty Re: The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame" 1959 - Bateau de croisière design

Message  Predicta Lun 30 Juin - 6:25

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t28

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t29

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t30

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t31

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t32

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t33

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Empty Re: The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame" 1959 - Bateau de croisière design

Message  Predicta Lun 30 Juin - 6:29

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t34

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t35

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t36

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t37

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t38

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t39

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Empty Re: The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame" 1959 - Bateau de croisière design

Message  Predicta Lun 30 Juin - 6:32

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t40

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t41

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t42

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t43

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t44

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Sans-t45

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Empty Re: The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame" 1959 - Bateau de croisière design

Message  Predicta Lun 30 Juin - 6:34

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Empty SS Rotterdam

Message  Predicta Lun 30 Juin - 6:40

The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Statel10
The fifth SS Rotterdam, known as "The Grande Dame", was launched by Queen Juliana in a gala ceremony on 13 September 1958, and completed the following summer. The Rotterdam was the last great Dutch "ship of state", employing the finest artisans from the Netherlands in her construction and fitting out process.[2] Her career spanned forty-one years. She sailed from 1959 until her final retirement in September 2000.

Concept and design

Originally she was conceived as a running mate to the popular Nieuw Amsterdam launched in 1937, but work was put on hold at the outbreak of World War II in Europe. When economic conditions once again became favorable for completion of the new ship in early 1954, the beginning of the end of ocean liners as basic transport was visible on the horizon. The designers took this in mind and created a groundbreaking vessel, a two class, horizontally divided ship with movable partitions and a unique double staircase allowing for easy conversion to cruising. The christening and launch on September 13, 1958 by Queen Juliana was a huge crowd puller, with tens of thousands on both banks of the river.[3] Rotterdam's machinery was shifted aft, to the now-traditional two thirds aft position, and in lieu of a funnel twin uptake pipes were fitted. To provide balance, a large deckhouse was built atop the superstructure in the midships position of a typical funnel. While very controversial at the time,[4] her appearance became groundbreaking,[5] and her unique design features can be found on cruise ships today.

As the Rotterdam

Her sea trials and handing over to Holland America Line took place on July 20, 1959, just a few months before her maiden crossing of the Atlantic. On her maiden voyage she carried the then Crown Princess of the Netherlands to New York.[5] As more and more transatlantic liners started to disappear due to the popularity of plane services, the Rotterdam was retired from transatlantic service permanently in 1969, and afterwards she received a small refit for permanent cruising and began her new life as a full time cruise ship. The Rotterdam also became a one class ship after this refit. She became increasingly popular throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, with mostly American and Australian passengers. Another refit in 1977 saw her passenger capacity decreased from 1,499 to 1144. By the 1980s the ship had settled into a routine of winters in the Caribbean and summers in Alaska, with the occasional (and very popular) world cruise. When Carnival Cruise Lines took over Holland America Line in 1989 she remained in service and continued to until 1997, when Carnival announced, much to the dismay of the ship's loyal fans, that to upgrade her to meet the new 1997 SOLAS regulations would cost 40 million dollars.[5] Carnival had been opting to retire what they had supposedly called the "old ship." A replacement, the sixth Rotterdam, was ordered from Fincantieri shipyards in Italy. A gala finale cruise ended her final season on September 30, 1997.

As the Rembrandt

She was sold to Premier Cruises and renamed SS Rembrandt. Controversially Premier was able to refit the Rembrandt for new safety regulations as well as many other things for half of what Carnival had predicted.[5] She sailed for Premier along with the ex ocean liners Oceanic, Eugenio C and Transvaal Castle, all now named Big Red Boat I, II and III. She continued to serve as a fairly popular cruise ship out of Port Canaveral, Florida until September 13, 2000, when Premier Cruises shut down. It was midnight when this was made official and the captain of the Rembrandt was ordered to dock in Halifax, Nova Scotia and offload all passengers[citation needed]. She was subsequently placed under arrest by the Halifax Sheriff's department until the next morning, then days later she sailed to be laid up in Freeport, Bahamas[cit
The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design 1024px11
Restoration and hotel opening
Rotterdam as she is today, permanently moored as a hotel and museum.

On July 12, 2004, she arrived at Gibraltar for asbestos encapsulation and removal performed by the Cuddy Group of the UK. She next visited Cadiz where her hull was repainted its original Holland America grey, and then moved on to Poland and Germany for final restoration. She returned to the city of Rotterdam on August 8, 2008. She opened to the public on February 15, 2010 as a combination museum/hotel and school for vocational training.[6] On 12 June 2013, she was sold to WestCord Hotels, which also owns the Hotel New York located in the former Holland America Line headquarters building in Rotterdam.[7]

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame"  1959 - Bateau de croisière design Empty Re: The Dutch cruise liner SS Rotterdam - “The Grande Dame" 1959 - Bateau de croisière design

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