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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  Predicta Mar 25 Mar - 12:18

Le label légendaire français de rockabilly et Rock 'n' roll
Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Dbbmga10
Le fameux logos au teddy boy dessiné par Alain Cheneviere (chanteur des Alligators et artistes ayant fait les beaux arts)

Dernière édition par Predicta le Mar 25 Mar - 13:14, édité 1 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  Predicta Mar 25 Mar - 12:24

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Victor12
Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Victor13
Release: BBR 005 -1980 - FRANCE

Artist: Victor Leed

Songs: But in your eyes / I forgot to love / Blue river / To change my life /

Jenny / She don't care / Shy / Too much to be right / Thanks rock'n'roll

Turn: LP 25cm 33 rpm

Un rocker fan de Presley dont le 25 cm ne contenait que des compositions au son vintage et en anglais (rare en 1980)

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  Predicta Mar 25 Mar - 12:28

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  The-al10

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  The-al11


A1 - Wild Blue Cat
A2 - Alligator Woman
A3 - Woman Love
A4 - Rockabilly Look
A5 - Marylou
B1 - Let's Play House
B2 - Rock-A-Be-Bop Blues
B3 - Brand New Baby
B4 - Blue Letter
B5 - I Like It Like That

Les Alligators le premier disque du label avec une formation originaire de Caen dont 2 des memebres feront partie plus tard de Pow Wow
Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Alliga10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  Predicta Mar 25 Mar - 12:33

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  Predicta Mar 25 Mar - 12:45

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  90fba210

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  11413010

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  11413011
Jezebel Rock - une formation Toulousaine - leur premier 25 cm Routes of rock

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  Predicta Mar 25 Mar - 12:55

Le second 25 cm des Jezebel Rock (avec Marc Police qui sera guitariste des Wampas)

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Jezebe10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  Predicta Mar 25 Mar - 13:12

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  _57138

Le 25 cm des Teen Kats une formation de la région parisienne au pur son fifties et a l'énergie Juvénile:

A1 Don't Play
A2 Dance Dance Dance
A3 Boppin' Cats
B1 Bye Bye Blues
B2 Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby

   Bass – Donnie Tyrone
   Guitar – Phil Provenzano
   Vocals – Terry Easton*

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  ChevyDave Mar 25 Mar - 15:58

J'en ai quelques uns aussi des Big Beat ...
Le Teen Kats est bien pêchu, j'aime bien...  Very Happy 

Messages : 3899
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  fomoco Jeu 3 Avr - 11:11

Ouaip, bien d' accord avec toi....
les riffs sont très roots....
du solide.... Very Happy 

Messages : 1282
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2013
Age : 52

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  Predicta Mar 22 Avr - 11:15

Big Beat Records ce fut aussi des pionniers qui reviennent en studios.
Comme Sonny Fisher
Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Sonny-10
A1 - Drivin' My Life Away
A2 - Sweet Sixteen
A3 - Your' Right
A4 - Raining In My Heart
A5 - Truckstop Baby
B1 - Shake It Around
B2 - I'm Flyin' In
B3 - Rockabilly Tonight
B4 - I Miss You Elvis
B5 - On The Road Again
Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Sonny-11

Enregistrés au (recorded at) studio Davout (Paris) en Avril 1981
Produit  (Produced) par Jacky Chalard
Christophe Deschamps : Drums
Patrick Lozach & Patrick Verbeke : Guitars
Jacky Chalard: Electric/Acoustic bass
Jacky Guerard : piano
Mick Picart: Sax

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  Predicta Mar 22 Avr - 11:36

Warren Smith un pionnier de chez Sun Records
Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  C5db1810
01. Rock'n Roll Ruby
02. Roll Over Beethoven
03. Folsom Prison Blues
04. Book Of Broken Hearts
05. Medley ; Movin' On, Rhumba Boogie, Golden Rocket
06. Ubangi Stomp
07. Blue Suede Shoes
08. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
09. Red Cadillac And A Black Moustache
10. That's All Right Mamma
Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  8c0eef10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Gene summers - Texas Rock and Roll

Message  Predicta Mar 22 Avr - 21:12

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  25-gen10

Texas Rock and roll
est un autre 25 cm d'un chanteur de Rockabilly américain des fifties qui sort sur le label big Beat Records en 1981, mais ici c'est une compilation de titres enregistrés par Gene Summers entre 1962 et 1975.

Texas Rock And Roll is a 10" vinyl album by American rockabilly singer Gene Summers. It was released by the French Big Beat label in 1981. It is a compilation of early rock 'n roll recordings by Gene Summers covering a time period from 1962 through 1975.

Session musicians included: James McClung, Benny Williams, Gary Moon, Rene Hall, Plas Johnson, Earl Palmer, Red Callendar, David (Dave) Martin, Glen Keener, Charlie Mendias, Mel Robinson, Bobby Rambo, Joe Ramirez Combo, Jack Castleberry, C. B. Williams, Ernest Walker, Joe Cook, Al Struble, Larry Jannasch, Kenny Hargis, Dan Edwards, Glen Struble, Eddie Wayne Hill, Joel Colbert, Leonard Walters, Joe Donnell, Tommy Morrell, Art McNulty, Ronnie Dawson, Marvin ("Smokey") Montgomery, Bill Hudson, Dale Sellers, Jerry Stembridge, David Briggs, Stu Basore, Charlie McCoy, Mike Leech and Hayward Bishop. The background vocal groups were The Five Masks and The Jordanaires plus (Al Struble, Dan Edwards & Glen Struble).

  1. Wine Wine Wine
  2. Leroy
  3. Who Stole The Marker (From The Grave Of Bonnie Parker)?
  4. Mad Mad World
  5. I've Had It
  6. Mister Rock And Roll
  7. I Got A Baby
  8. A Man Can Cry
  9. Rockin' Daddy
  10. Big Blue Diamonds

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  25-gen12

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  Predicta Ven 2 Mai - 20:08

Big beat Records se sera également le retour de Vince Taylor, la légende du rock anglais de la fin des fifties et début des sixties en Studio;
Scéance au studios Davout à Paris en Janvier 1980, il est accompagné de Jacky Chalard à la basse, Marc Bozonet à la guitare et steel guitare, Patrick Verbeke et Rolling Azoulay à la guitare suivant les titres, Christophe Deschamps à la batterie, Jacques Mercier au piano, Helios Vidal et Carol Richard aux choeurs, René Morizure au saxophone et Jean Jacque Milteau à l'harmonica.
Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  R-201610
A1 Money, Honey 3:01
A2 That's All Right , Mama ! 1:50
A3 You'll Never Walk Alone 4:00
A4 Fever 1:16
B1 Danny 3:22
B2 I'm Movin' On 3:18
B3 Crawfish 2:18
B4 Milk Cow Blues

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  R-201611

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  R-201612

Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  R-201613

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

Message  ChevyDave Ven 2 Mai - 20:32

Je l'ai, avec une signature au crayon noir: "your friend Vince Taylor ...
Mais est ce vraiment lui qui l'a signé ? Difficile à dire ...

Messages : 3899
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's  Empty Re: Le label - Big Beat Records - rockabilly to the 1980's

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