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Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead

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Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead Empty Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead

Message  Predicta Jeu 23 Jan - 20:49

Pour tout amateur de bon rock 'n' roll le fils spirituel de Jerry Lee Lewis le borgne et délirant pianiste Freddie Finger's Lee nous a quitté, pour l'avoir vu sur scène c'était de la bombe. Sad 

Final farewell to rock 'n' roller Freddie
4:20pm Wednesday 22nd January 2014 in News

Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead El1fre10
ROCK ‘n’ roll fans turned out to pay their last respects to a North-East music legend.

The funeral of pianist Freddie 'Fingers' Lee, who was inspired by Jerry Lee Lewis, was held at St Mary’s Catholic Church in Blackhill, Consett, today (Wednesday, January 22).

The Consett-born musician, who lived in Northamptonshire for some time, became a star of the British rock ‘n’ roll scene in the fifties and sixties and was revered throughout his long career for his exciting stage act, which included stunts such as setting fire to, and breaking up pianos.
Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead El3fre10
His distinctive appearance was enhanced by an eye patch – he lost an eye when he was one when he was hit by a dart – and he was known to family, fans and friends as a practical joker and colourful character.

He played with big rock ‘n’ roll names such as Gene Vincent and Chuck Berry and wrote and recorded many songs.

Freddie 'Fingers' Lee, who was born Frederick John Cheesman, had a strong following across Europe where he played extensively before his retirement.

Fans, including Teddy Boys, travelled from across the country and from as far as Germany, France and Holland for today's service, which included the playing of the artist’s songs.
Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead Freddi10
It was followed by cremation at the nearby Mountsett Crematorium and a wake at The Cricketers pub in Blackhill.

The thrice-married pianist died aged 76 on Monday, January 13 following a bout of pneumonia.

He had been living at The Greenways care home in Delves Lane for some time.

He leaves family that includes sister Angela Walton, brother, Billy, son Joseph and daughters Debbie and Holly as well as three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead Empty Re: Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead

Message  Predicta Jeu 23 Jan - 20:49

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead Empty Re: Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead

Message  custom 56 Jeu 23 Jan - 21:35

bah merde alors  Crying or Very sad 
custom 56
custom 56

Messages : 2631
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2012
Age : 28
Localisation : 77 seine et marne

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Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead Empty Re: Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead

Message  ChevyDave Ven 24 Jan - 11:50

Déjà vu sur scène, complètement délirant ...  :oui:   Crying or Very sad 

Messages : 3899
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead Empty Re: Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead

Message  Z Ven 24 Jan - 13:40

Bein zut  Shocked

Ce gars était vraiment "borgne to be wild"  cyclops 

Désolé  Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead 3703615644 

Messages : 1323
Date d'inscription : 23/11/2012
Age : 57
Localisation : El Rio Tordo

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Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead Empty Re: Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead

Message  Predicta Jeu 24 Juil - 20:53

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead Empty Re: Freddie Finger's Lee est mort - Freddie Finger's Lee is dead

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