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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Dim 26 Jan - 15:21

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 1947-l10
1947 LMT (french)

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 1949-f10
Sonora 1949 441 lignes (French)

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 1949-p10
1949 Philips 1er 625 lignes (Dutsh Danish)

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 1949so10
Sonora 1949 (French)

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 1950-a10
Admiral 1950 12 inch (pouces) (USA)

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 1950-b10
Bush 1950 (UK)

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  fomoco Mar 28 Jan - 17:49

Ah si un jour, vous tombez là dessus....
comme c'est moche et que ça ne vaut rien, je passe vous en débarrasser.....illico !!!
introuvable de chez introuvable....
jamais vu....
sauf en image....
les tubes cathodiques, jusqu'en 1953, furent ronds, et profonds....
devenus bien rares....
mais est- ce recherché ???
moi j' verrais bien le Sonora de 49, dans mon salon.... Very Happy 

Messages : 1282
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2013
Age : 52

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  ChevyDave Mar 28 Jan - 22:35

C'est clair que ça doit pas courir les rues !
J'en ai jamais vu pour de vrai ...

Messages : 3899
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Fif Mer 29 Jan - 12:24

j'en ai vu deux en réparation chez un technicien amoureux qui me les a fait marcher avec un apareil de sa fabrication pour fournir un signal 625 lignes sur tube cathodique (balayage du point) brancher sur un magnetoscope ,putain ,c'est petit . mais quel bon souvenir

Messages : 1322
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Lun 12 Mai - 21:22

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10172710

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10178010

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10300010

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Lun 12 Mai - 21:34

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10262211
1940's Black Bakelite MOTOROLA TV

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10308511
1940's GE TV

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Mar 20 Mai - 21:13

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10367710

July 23, 1964 Lear Siegler Services, Inc. technician John Garrott establishes block select programs in Los Angeles, CA

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Ven 6 Juin - 20:17

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10445510
1956 Magnavox, "First High Fidelity Television".

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Jeu 19 Juin - 21:49

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10492510

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10487410
Chula Prieto (1929-1960), Mexican Actress
Photo by Francisco Urbina, 1953

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Jeu 19 Juin - 21:56

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10304310
ZENITH "Trend-Setter" 21" portable TV, 1955

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Jeu 19 Juin - 22:00

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10457110
1947 Richard Arbib design for Visionette Portable Television

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Mer 16 Juil - 20:34

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 16186310

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Mer 22 Oct - 21:44

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 19016010

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  fomoco Dim 26 Oct - 6:45

superbes, tes dernieres importations, mon PRED

Messages : 1282
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2013
Age : 52

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Sam 29 Nov - 17:21

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10426110

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Mar 24 Fév - 18:19

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 10999811

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Ven 27 Fév - 7:51

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 1113
télévision DUCRETET THOMSON TL 4142 année 1956

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Ven 27 Fév - 7:52

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 2112

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Ven 27 Fév - 7:53

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 3108
Tèlèvision philips tf 1767 de 1956

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Ven 27 Fév - 7:54

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 485

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Jeu 27 Aoû - 19:03

Un superbe site perso auquel j'emprunte des photos

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvphil10
Philips TF 1436A de 1953.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvphil11
Philips TF 1726 de 1952.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvphil12
Philips TF 1767 de 1956.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvphil13
Philips TX 400 de 1950.
Tube cathodique rond.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvphil14
Philips TX 402A de 1949.
Tube cathodique rond.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvphil15
Philips TX 1422A de 1952.

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Jeu 27 Aoû - 19:07

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvradi10
Radiola RA 932 de 1949.
Tube cathodique rond.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvradi11
Radiola RA 4336 de 1953.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvradi12
Radiola RA 4336A de 1953.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvradi13
Radiola RA 4361 de 1956.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvradi14
Radiola RA 4361 variante de 1956.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvradi15
Radiola RA 4366 de 1956.

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Jeu 27 Aoû - 19:12

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tveuro10
Arel Radio TV, années 50, URSS.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tveuro11
Bush TV 22 de 1950, Angleterre.
Tube cathodique rond.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tveuro12
Bush TV 62 vers 1950, Angleterre.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tveuro13
Derby FE846A vers 1955.
Tube cathodique rond.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tveuro14
Rubens FE 855 CI de 1957, Allemagne.
Tube cathodique rond.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tveuro15
Kaiser de 1959, Allemagne.

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Jeu 27 Aoû - 19:17

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvfran10
Construction amateur vers 1952,
Tube cathodique rond MW31.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvfran11
Ducretet Thomson TL4388 de 1952.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvfran12
Hudson, début des années 60.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvfran13
Schneider frères de 1953.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvfran14
Télé portable, début des années 60.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvfran15
Téléavia 439T de 1957.

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

Message  Predicta Jeu 27 Aoû - 19:21

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvusa_10
Emerson 639 de 1949.
Tube cathodique rond.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvusa_11
General Electric 10T1 de 1948.
Tube cathodique rond.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvusa_12
Motorola 9T1 de 1948.
Tube cathodique rond.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvusa_13
Philco Transitone, années 60.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvusa_14
RCA victor 8TS30 de 1948.

Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Tvusa_15
Sentinel 400-TV de 1948.
Tube cathodique rond.

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv - Page 3 Empty Re: Téloches.... Vintage televisions - 1940s 1950s and 1960s tv

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