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Ford la Galaxie 1958

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Ford la Galaxie 1958 Empty Ford la Galaxie 1958

Message  gerykats Dim 28 Juil - 6:08

Ford la Galaxie 1958 a turbines......concept qui donnera toute la serie galaxie reconnaissable a ces phares arrieres ronds

Ford la Galaxie 1958 58ford_la_galaxie_interior
Ford la Galaxie 1958 1958_Ford_La_Galaxie_01
Ford la Galaxie 1958 1958_Ford_La_Galaxie_o
Ford la Galaxie 1958 Image
Ford la Galaxie 1958 Fajnagalaxia
Ford la Galaxie 1958 1958_Ford_La_Galaxie_03
Ford la Galaxie 1958 1958_Ford_La_Galaxie_05
Ford la Galaxie 1958 1958_Ford_La_Galaxie_06
Ford la Galaxie 1958 1958_Ford_La_Galaxie_07

Messages : 82
Date d'inscription : 26/07/2013

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Ford la Galaxie 1958 Empty Re: Ford la Galaxie 1958

Message  Predicta Lun 20 Jan - 21:50

Ford La Galaxie, 1957 - Styled by Elwood Engel
Ford worked its way through many contorted schools of styling such as the Z-back roof (in the 1957 La Galaxie). It went on to become increasingly unhinged as it proposed a nuclear - powered dream car called the Nucleon in 1958, a gyroscopically controlled two-wheeled car called the Gyron in 1961, a three-wheeled flying car called the Volante the same - ear and a vast six - wheeler called the Seattle-ite in 1962.

It should not be surprising that, after that lot. Ford’s design team and the pubic had something of a dream-car hangover, and Dearborn’s output of show specials petered out in the 1960s

Ford la Galaxie 1958 _326

Proof that some dream car elements make it to production. In 1958 this rear window was already in production on the Continental, and in a few years that rear end would be on the Thunderbird. I don't know what this car is called, but my brain says the name ended in

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Ford la Galaxie 1958 Empty Re: Ford la Galaxie 1958

Message  Predicta Mar 25 Fév - 20:55

Ford la Galaxie 1958 87963510

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Ford la Galaxie 1958 Empty Re: Ford la Galaxie 1958

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