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CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca

3 participants

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CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca Empty CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca

Message  Predicta Jeu 30 Mai - 5:34

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding
Oceanside Museum of Art, Oceanside, California. May 13 -September 30, 2012.

Galerie photo originale de Kid Deuce:

Trouvé sur le web ce petit reportage photo sur une exposition dans un musée californien sur le Low Riding, Autos, moto, peintures, photos, modèles réduit etc... C'est pour cette raison que j'ai placé ce post dans la rubrique "Art"

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71901810

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71902611

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 72042210

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 72042812

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71902612

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 72042811

Dernière édition par Predicta le Jeu 30 Mai - 5:50, édité 2 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca Empty Re: CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca

Message  Predicta Jeu 30 Mai - 5:38

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 72042815

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 72042814

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 72042211

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 72042212

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71903110

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71901811

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca Empty Re: CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca

Message  Predicta Jeu 30 Mai - 5:44

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71901812

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71901813

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71902613

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71902614

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71902615

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71903111

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca Empty Re: CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca

Message  Predicta Jeu 30 Mai - 5:46

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71902616

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71903112

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71901814

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71900810

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71900811

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71900812

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca Empty Re: CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca

Message  Predicta Jeu 30 Mai - 5:49

A l'extérieur - outdoor:

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71903113

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 71903114

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 72042213

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 72042214

CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca 72042215

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca Empty Re: CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca

Message  custom 56 Jeu 30 Mai - 7:00


ils sont doué sérieux bon apres on aime ou bah
custom 56
custom 56

Messages : 2631
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2012
Age : 29
Localisation : 77 seine et marne

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CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca Empty Re: CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca

Message  Noisette Jeu 30 Mai - 9:12



Messages : 1155
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2013

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CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca Empty Re: CRUISIN' CALIFAS: The Art of Lowriding - 2012 - Oceanside Museum of Art - ca

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