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1953 Oldsmobile - Bill and Bob Glazier - Barris Kustom

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1953 Oldsmobile - Bill and Bob Glazier - Barris Kustom Empty 1953 Oldsmobile - Bill and Bob Glazier - Barris Kustom

Message  Predicta Lun 12 Aoû - 20:52

1953 Oldsmobile - Bill and Bob Glazier - Barris Kustom 53_old11
Brothers Bill and Bob Glazier from North Bend, Washington, brought their '53 Oldsmobile convertible down t Lynwood where we performed numerous modifications, including extending the front fenders and installing stacked quad headlights. In the rear, we extended the fender to install Packard tailights and frame a continental kit. Originally, the car was factory yellow enamel, and we really should have removed it before applying the Candy Red because it wrinkled up over the decklid, hence the scallops applied by Jeff who alsa handled the stripping. The car wa featured in Custom Cars 1960 Annual.

George Barris - Barris Kustom techniques of the 50's Old Skool Skills

1953 Oldsmobile - Bill and Bob Glazier - Barris Kustom 53_old10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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