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Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up

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Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up Empty Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up

Message  Predicta Lun 21 Oct - 15:43

Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up 10244810
Owner/Builder: Hot Rod Chassis and Cycle of Addison, Illinois

Engine: 371 Olds Rocket, Stroked
Transmission: TKO600
Rear End: HRCC 9", 4 link with wishbone
Front Suspension: 4" Dropped Axle with Hairpins
Frame: HRCC
Body Modifications: 5" Chop, 6" section, '34 Chevy Truck cowl, '57 Chevy Hood Skin, '34 Ford Tudor Rear Window, '57 Olds Dash, '60 Pontiac Quarters, '60 Plymouth Valiant Tailgate, '53 Ford Truck grill, Handmade Grille, Lots of custom panels
Interior: Space Age
Wheels: Radir Bullet Spokes, 10.00x15 Radir Slicks, Firestone (Coker) 5.60x15 WWW.
The Kosmic Outcast: Interplanetary Weapon of Destruction by HRCC under the watchful eye of the female alien warrior Cyanisis as a means to dominate the Earth, one man at a time.

Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up 10244910

Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up 10244912

Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up 10245010

Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up 10245011

Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up 10244913

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up Empty Re: Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up

Message  Predicta Lun 21 Oct - 15:46

Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up 10245110

Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up 10244811

Cosmic Outcast - Show rod - Hot rod Chassis of Addison - Ford 1940 Pick up 94099610

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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