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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

5 participants

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Empty Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

Message  Predicta Ven 26 Avr - 8:00

Le 15 juin 1957,Tulsa en Oklahoma , une Plymouth Coupé Sport blanche et dorée flambante neuve a été enterrée. Dans le cadre de la commémoration des 50 ans de la ville industrielle du sud des USA. Cette Plymouth toutes options a été choisie, en tant que symbole de l'ingéniosité industrielle de cette région.

Elle a été enfermée dans un caveau en béton. Dans la voiture beaucoup d'objets de cette époque ont été déposés.
La Plymouth et la chambre en béton on été soigneusement préparées pour la léthhrgie d'un demi siècle.

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa 0710

Dernière édition par Predicta le Ven 26 Avr - 11:29, édité 1 fois

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Empty Re: Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

Message  Predicta Ven 26 Avr - 8:03

La Plymouth Belvèdere de 1957 neuve sera exhumé le 15 juin 2007

Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa 0810

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa 1310

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Empty Re: Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

Message  Predicta Ven 26 Avr - 8:06

Maleureusement, l'eau s'est infiltrée dans le sarcophage de ciment, en effet une soixantaine de centimètre d'eau croupie a été découverte au fond du caisson.
La Plymouth Belvédère à du coup été bien oxydée

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa 2110

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Empty Re: Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

Message  Predicta Ven 26 Avr - 8:08

Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa 2211

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa 2910

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Empty Re: Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

Message  Predicta Ven 26 Avr - 8:10

Mais aprés un netoyage c'est quand même mieux

Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa 2610

Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa 2710

Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa 30_jpg10

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Empty Re: Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

Message  ChevyDave Ven 26 Avr - 11:24

Elle devient quoi au fait cette caisse ?

Messages : 3899
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Empty Re: Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

Message  Predicta Ven 26 Avr - 11:39

Plus d'infos wikipedia

Miss Belvedere is the nickname given to a new 1957 Plymouth Belvedere sport coupe sealed in a 50-year time capsule and finally unearthed on June 14, 2007. It was chosen primarily for its Virgil Exner styling as a way of showing the people of 2007 the good taste and forward thinking of the people of 1957.

The car, with only four miles on the odometer, was sealed in an underground concrete vault as part of the festivities of the US State of Oklahoma's 50th Anniversary, celebrated near downtown Tulsa. It was unerdeath June 14, 2007 during the state's centennial celebration and was publicly unveiled on June 15. In line with the Cold War realities of late 1950s America, the concrete enclosure was advertised as having been built to withstand a nuclear attack.The concrete enclosure, however, was not airtight and allowed water to leak in, which caused significant damage to the vehicle

Vehicle customizer Boyd Coddington and his team volunteered to start the car, once un-buried. That, however, proved impossible due to the car's condition. While items buried with the vehicle in their own protective vaults emerged unscathed, anything buried unprotected in the vehicle deteriorated completely. Among the items recovered from the trunk were a case of Shlitz beer and a large can of gasoline, intended to be used to start the car in 2007 if gasoline was no longer the fuel of choice for motor vehicles.

The car was intended to be a prize awarded upon the vehicle's unearthing, going to the individual who came nearest to guessing Tulsa's population in 2007, or their descendant. The winning entrant, one Raymond Humbertson, guessed 384,743. The actual figure became 382,457. Mr. Humbertson died in 1979 and now only distant relatives remain.

In November 2007, Humberton's relatives shipped the car to the New Jersey facilities of Ultra One, a restoration firm whose specialty product is a de-rusting solution which is designed to remove only rust while leaving the underlying metal, paint and decals intact. It is estimated that the stabilization project would take roughly six months or perhaps longer given the difficulty of removing the mix of cosmoline and mud which caked on the car; there are no plans to disassemble and restore the vehicle. There is, however, discussion regarding the return of the driveline and electrical system to operating condition.

As of June 2008, the preservation process was still underway, as shown in a video posted by the New Jersey Star Ledger, with the stated goal to preserve the car as an artifact, not to restore it to roadworthy condition.

In December 2008, Ultra One deleted all the topics in their forum regarding Miss Belvedere. Attempts to contact Ultra One for comment went unanswered. The vehicle condition and state of repair have been presumed unknown until May 2009, when Dwight Foster of Ultra One participated in a podcast and provided details and new pictures, showing the Belvedere's restoration to be still underway, the car's exterior having been virtually freed of its rust and mud concretions. In that same podcast, Foster noted that he has purchased a rust-free 1957 Plymouth Savoy as a donor car to replace needed parts to keep Miss Belvedere from further deterioration. The frame and trunk underframe will be used from the Savoy to replace the weakened parts in the Belvedere. Miss Belvedere's ignition system is totally fused into a useless lump of metal, so the Savoy will provide replacement parts for this as well.

Foster stated that he believes Miss Belvedere's engine may be salvageable; however, they have not yet tackled the drivetrain. He was confident that Miss Belvedere can be returned to a condition that would reflect her state had she not been exposed to the damaging moisture that caused such extensive deterioration of the car's condition.

An article published in the TulsaWorld website in 2012 indicated that Mr. Foster is trying to get the Smithsonian interterested in Miss Belvedere. The online article includes 53 digital photos of the original event in 1957 and the car's removal in 2007. It also shows the car as it came out of Mr. Foster's treatments. It appears that he has supplied $20,000 worth of work to the preservation.

Une fois désoxydée elle est pas si mal

Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Bild5610

We don't care the People Says , Rock 'n' roll is here to stay - Danny & the Juniors - 1958

Messages : 50258
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2012

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Empty Re: Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

Message  Jul Ven 26 Avr - 11:51

elle était quand même bien morte à la sortie du cercueil...
sinon ils ont même fait une maquette de la Plymouth pourri Laughing
Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa 231064TheBuriedBelvedere13

Dernière édition par Jul le Ven 26 Avr - 14:29, édité 1 fois

........ __________
,,,,, /_(@)__//___/__(@)_/

Messages : 543
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012
Age : 40
Localisation : Doubs, Franche-comté

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Empty Re: Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

Message  Metalshop16 Ven 26 Avr - 12:30

aaaahhh ......que d'histoires et anectdotes liées à cette Miss Belvedere !

D'ailleurs tout a été très bien relaté dans le Nitro de Juin 2007 .

Par exemple , la photo avec les deux blondes est un clin d'oeil aux deux fillettes prisent en photo en juin 57 devant l'auto ( sont-ce elles ? fifty years later ? What a Face )

Je me souviens du show présidé par Boyd et sa réponse à une éventuelle possibilté de la restaurer à neuf avait été : No !

La société Ultra One adopte une démarche différente ; nettoyage , préservation ...... et en effet , Prédicta , elle en ressort pas si mal !!!

Ah c'était d'la bagnole ,ça, les enfants ! cheers

La Belv' était accompagnée d'un caisson en acier ( The time capsule) qui renfermait des lettres , des dessins , et des objets divers de 1957 .Ils étaient destinés aux populations du futur , celles qui déterreraient la Plymouth après un demi-siécle d'attente.

Dans leur esprit , c'était une certitude : ce futur si éloigné de 1957 , les autos seraient volantes et on vivrait dans un monde de rêve.............................. Rolling Eyes

Le concept d'enfermer une caisse en sarcophage sous terre a perduré ; en 2001 , ils ont enterré un Prowler .............

" Tu sais que dalle , mon p'tit ...."

Georges LeBay , 1983.

Messages : 940
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2012

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Empty Re: Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

Message  BlackSheep Dim 28 Avr - 21:41

Originale comme idée ! Elle a quand même bien résisté malgré l'eau cette belle Smile J'avais lu il y a quelques années un article dessus, ça devait être celui du Nitro alors !

Messages : 500
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2012
Age : 30
Localisation : Nice

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Empty Re: Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

Message  Jul Lun 29 Avr - 17:58

ça fait peur dessous... :peur: affraid
c'est vraiment dommage... ça aurait été magique de la ressortir indemne drunken
Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa 963293chassis

........ __________
,,,,, /_(@)__//___/__(@)_/

Messages : 543
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012
Age : 40
Localisation : Doubs, Franche-comté

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Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa Empty Re: Miss Belvedere - Plymouth 1957 of Tulsa

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